Monday, 3 April 2017


To confirm we belong to God is to behave and do things like Him, trees produce fruit after its kind, it is both a command and a principle all seeds and fruit always show their source, they produce after their source.

Gen 1:11 says And God said let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed and the fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth and it was so.

The disposition of His workers should be by his standard only all organised workplace have code of conduct, standard of dressing and method of doing things that in God’s kingdom is given in Gal 5: 22-23 says and labeled the fruits of the spirit.

But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, against such there is no law.
Any act or behaviour not in tandem with these is a prodigal excursion and needs urgent step retrace like the famous prodigal son did.

hurray the book WORKERS IN GOD'S VINEYARD is finally out get few pre-lauch copies by sending a mail to freshlogosexperience@gmail and a copy to or chat via facebook on freshlogosexperience or call +234 8061174980. 

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