Monday, 22 June 2020

Gold or God

TEXT: ACTS 8:14-23


Pastor Gbenga Aluko.

This topic will be discussed with the following sub-heading:

Gospel in Samaria
Simon the sorcerer
Gold is good

To get and continue to deploy the power of resurrection (although this happens by His will, time, pace and standard) starts with knowing Him, partaking in His sufferings and crucifying of the flesh Phil.3:10, May God grant us grace to adapt/adopt and stay in line with and for Him. Amen.

Gospel in Samaria

Philip by God’s grace was used to start the church Vs.5, although as an aftermath of persecution Vs.1 (the persecution was deadly and painful to the apostles but gainful to Gods church/plan.
God wrought a lots of miracle through him Vs.6-7 but the gift of the Holy Spirit wasn’t given to them yet. (We all have our limitations)
God brought joy to the city via His servant (Philip) Vs.8
Peter and John were sent by the church in Jerusalem to strengthen the church, God’s power was displayed, they were baptised with the Holy Spirit. Vs.17

Simon the sorcerer

He had always wanted and claimed to be great Vs.9
He saw Gods special grace as an instrument for personal agenda despite the fact that he was supposed to be a believer Vs.13 & 19
He thought everything could be bought with money Vs.18
He was rebuked Vs.20

Gold is good

By Gold we mean: money, anointing, power, influence, fame, affluence, vantage position, popularity etc. all this are available in Christ. 2 Cor. 8:9
God is the creator of real, lasting and peaceful Gold Hag.2:8-9, Psalm 24:1, Gold is a very good and useful addition in the kingdom after one must successfully sought and diligently continue to seek His kingdom Matt.6:33,2 Chr.26:5b.
The pivot, essence and focus of the gospel is to seek and save those that are lost Matt.1:21, this can’t change no matter how materialistic the world gets, please don’t be a Simon the sorcerer.

All who are loved by God and have been assisted by Him to reciprocate His unequaled love looks at His face to receive instruction, direction, strength, purpose etc. but the likes/descendants of Simon the sorcerer looks at His hands focusing solely on the mundane things God can give. God however knows all that we need and will meet and surpass same if we will quietly wait on Him, ask according to His will and in Humility .Matt 6:8, 7:7.Shalom.   

.............For we know in part



  1. I'm blessed trough this write up./
    More anointing to fully deploy raw gospel to the world at large, Amen.
