Wednesday, 27 March 2019


Text: 2 Chr. 18:22, 26, 27, 34

Will be further considered with the following headings:

King Ahab
Unholy alliance
God's mercy and Judgment

 It does not matter their numbers, position or placement evil and evil doers have a dangerous end Ecss 8:13 except God's offer of grace through Jesus Christ is accepted 2 Cor.6:2, eschew evil.

 (a) King Ahab:
- Seventh king of Israel since Jeroboam, husband of Jezebel of Sidon
- An evil king (he did more evil than his predecessors) 1 King 16:30
-accused Elijah of troubling the Nation 1King 18:17-18
-died abruptly because of his wickedness 1king 22:29ff

  (b) Unholy alliance: 
King Jehoshaphat’s unholy alliance would have killed him too flee bad association. 2 Chr 28:1, 31-32, 1 Cor 15:33

(c)  God's mercy and JUDGEMENT:
-Gives opportunities for repentance, gave Ahab but he was recalcitrant 2chr 16 ff
 -He Avenged his servant like he promised 1king 18:19-40,1King 20:42, 21:19:
-  LYING SPIRIT was permitted to lure him to destruction 2 Chr 18:34

God is a merciful  God he sent Jesus to provide offer of salvation as an antidote against all wrath of God both now and in eternity (including all forms of lying Spirit amongst others) John 3:16. Heed His call today to be totally free from destruction. Shalom.

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