Friday, 3 March 2023

God’s presence, a Panacea against emptiness by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


Text: Gen. 31:40-42

Topic: God’s presence, a Panacea against emptiness

This will be done with the following headings:


Jacob and Laban

Jacob’s account of Laban’s dealing or treatment of him

God’s presence to the aid.


Jacob had to leave his parent and the environment he was used to on a journey to Haran for two reasons: he was fleeing from his brothers’ wrath Gen 27:41-45 and secondly to avoid taking a wife from the Hittite just like his brother.Gen.27:46ff.

He however encountered God on his journey and that made a huge or main difference in his life as God promised him His presence and safety. Gen.28:13-15. May we encounter God and be a privileged carrier of His presence in all our life’s journey in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Jacob and Laban 

·       Jacob is the son of Laban’s sister Rebekah                                               Gen.29:13

·       In Haran, Jacob got to Laban’s house easily by God’s leading                 Gen.29:9-10

·       Jacob was a blessing to Laban; Laban made the confession by himself.   Gen 30:27

·       Jacob married two of his daughters and two slaves from his house           Gen29:22-30

·       Jacob served Laban faithfully, sacrificially, and wholeheartedly               Gen.29:38-41, is this kind of service still available/proper in today’s parlance?

With this affiliation, connection, and good effort it is awkward that Jacob cried out that it was Laban’s plan to send him out empty, maybe for us to learn not to expect more than people’s capacity or willingness to do for/to us, and to underscore that the best of men is still but human.

Jacob’s account of Laban’s dealing or treatment of him 

Jacob will/should have many good impressions/feeling about a man that housed him and whom he was working for/with for twenty years as none, but God alone is always all good and at all times Luke18:19, Mark 10:18 but we want to explore the negative comments/complaints that he had/spoke about him here

 He changed my wages ten times in twenty years Gen 31:7,41

·       He wanted/planned for me to go out empty, this was shown by his dealing to/with him Gen.30:31-36,31:43.

·       Laban was a taskmaster who only cared about himself and his flock, a taskmaster Gen.31:39

God’s presence to the aid


1.     God’s presence protected him from being hurt or killed: (a) From Laban’s sons and workers Gen 31:1, (b)from Laban himself, Gen.31:2 then (c) stopped Laban’s invasion and hurt.


2.  2 God gave him a model/formula for productivity Gen.30:41-43,31:11-12, God saw his misery and intervened on his behalf. May this be our experience going forward in Jesus’ mighty name amen? emptiness has a whole of meanings to different people, in Jacob’s days, it was the lack of goats/, horses and other farms produce, to the men of Jericho the land water was naught and the ground barren 2 Kings 2:19, what type of emptiness are you experiencing? there is no type of emptiness that God’s power and presence cannot take away totally.


Prayer outro: Lord, please teach me what to do to end my emptiness. Gen.:41-43,31:11,31:11-12





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