Sunday, 5 June 2022

I saw the Lord by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


Text: Isaiah 6:1-5

Topic: I saw the Lord

The topic will be studied with the following sub-heading:

The Lord’s vineyard

Isaiah was the prophet

What Isaiah saw a yardstick for us today

How to prepare to see the Lord

We shall all see Him

The Lord’s vineyard

The Lord chose Israel especially as His beloved Is.5:1 although this is poetically documented in this verse, Gen 12:1ff has a semblance of God’s gracious call and selection of race (Israel, although Israel was still in Abraham loins), The Lord did not stop there but ploughed the land (their land), cleared the stones (debris), planted it/her (established them), built a watch tower (securing them) and just like every farmer /an investor is expecting an harvest, he was disappointed, the grapes that grew were bitter vs.2.  The Lord placed you where you are for a reason, gave you all you have got for a reason,skills,talent,gifts,capacity,connection,money,positions,relationships are for a reason, are we not disappointing Him like the Israelites did ? Gen.6:6, Luke 19:11-27, Matt.25:14-30

Isaiah was the prophet

Isaiah was the Prophet that wrote the book of Isaiah and a few verses from a chapter (chapter 6) of the book was chosen as our text and he (Prophet Isaiah) was the one that saw the Lord in the passage which we are inspired to study today Is.6:1ff may the Lord give us understanding of His words in Jesus mighty name. Amen

What Isaiah saw a yardstick for us today

3.1 He saw Gods mightiness, orderliness and glory vs.2-4

3.2 He saw his sinfulness vs.5 one of the clear signals that someone hasn’t seen God is a bold life of sinfulness, which has become fashionable/fashion today.

3.3 He saw God’s graciousness, readiness and provision to forgive any sinners that confesses and repents vs.6

3.4 He saw opportunity to serve and looked for a way to fit into God’s vineyard vs.8, you can’t sincerely see God and be an onlooker or be indifferent with the things of God.

3.5 He spoke and acted as God’s oracle Vs.9, you can’t correctly represent correctly a God you haven’t seen or thoroughly known. Acts 19:15

How to prepare to see the Lord

The Lord visits those that are prepared and are expecting Him Luke 2:25-32, albeit being God there are other times that He graciously deals with His people, with favour they are not expecting or are not worthy of or both. However it is better to be prepared to see Him, even God desires that we prepare to meet Him. Ex. 19:9-10.Amos 4:12.The following is just two out of the many ways to prepare to see the Lord:


4.1 Holiness Heb. 12:14

4.2 being in the Spirit Luke 2:25ff

We shall all see Him

Just like the farmer who came but discovered that the grapes were bitter in Vs.2 of our text, The Lord is without doubt coming back to the world, His sons and daughter who are alive till He comes or who dies in Him will be raptured and caught up to Him respectively 1 Thess. 4:16-17.The same cross on which he died will be changed to sword in His hands to judge the world, some will be having a good time with Him while some will be facing eternal doom/destruction and damnation depending on what they do with/to Him now John 3:16. Receive Jesus today He is the key to eternal life and bliss.







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