Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Disturbed by but attracted to the message by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


Text: Mark 6:17-20

Disturbed by but attracted to the message


Pastor Gbenga Aluko


The message will be discussed with the following headings:

ü  The confused Herod

ü  A favour to a sinner with a saint

ü  The message: a double edged sword

ü  Herod and roles to the messenger

ü  Characteristics of John the Baptist’s message

 Every minister is a message, the fact that the pulpit is higher than the pew puts the person behind or on the pulpit on all form of spotlight, he/she is not only a messenger, he/she is a message, the Jesus and bible that can be seen and is raptly watched both intentionally and otherwise, the influence/impact/message could be positive or negative, how we talk, what we wear and how we wear them, act and react is a message to someone somewhere, let’s make it positive.1 Cor.11:1 which says look and follow me (not merely my message) as I follow Christ. May we receive the grace to be positive message in Jesus mighty name.

The first thirteen verses of the gospel according to Mark chapter six X-rays one of Jesus ministerial Visit to Nazareth (His boyhood town as Joseph and Mary settled in Nazareth Matt.2:23) their unbelief didn’t allow them enjoy fully the Healing, deliverance and all the goodness that accompanies our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ during His earthly/bodily voyage on earth. Acts 10:38.

The confused Herod Mark 6:14-16

Herod Antipas was a king and yet was still neck dipped in error, taking Jesus Christ for John the Baptist, the messenger for the message John 1:1, even the master sensed a confusion about His identity and he asked his disciples cum Apostles who do people say I am Matt.16:13-23, Mark 8:27-33, any messenger confused about the identity of the message will put the pew in confusion/not conviction, disturbance alone no attraction that Jesus promised John 12:32 which says if I am lifted up I will draw all men to myself, as it is hard if not impossible to explain who/what you don’t know. Just as the leader’s sin is a leading sin the leader’s error is a leading error.DO YOU KNOW JESUS OR YOU ONLY KNOW ABOUT HIM?

 A favour to a sinner with a saint Mark 6:17

Herod Antipas a sinner was also looking for ways to favour his like, illicit wife and sin-mate. A leader that is supposed to be an example in words and deeds now favouring those who are only his sin-mate and to worsen the case with the arrest and eventual death of a saint and a fore runner of our Lord and Saviour, it didn’t start there and end there, there are few other instances: John was sacrificed for Herodias, Vs 17, Jesus for Barabbas Luke 23:18, Matt.27:17, Mark 15:6-15. Jesus for you and I. Are we not using our God given positioning to favour sinners, comedians or entertainers by giving them Port-folios, making them Deacons, Elders, or even recommending them for Ordination as pastors, the most important favour that a sinner urgently needs is the message of the cross. Matt 26:28, Hebrews 9:22. Have you been to the cross for the cleansing power?

 The message a double edged sword 18-27

To preach God’s word correctly has implications and costs, this places anyone who does that at loggerheads with the people who have sold their soul to the devil within and without the preacher’s circumference or arear of influence. Our Lord and saviour spoke about it John 15:18-25, Mark13:13,1 John 3:13, John had his fair share of this as speaking the truth to powers that be costed him his life, if our life/message isn’t disturbing anyone at all we need some examination and reexamination only the presence of a policeman or other law enforcement agent disorganizes criminals. This explains the word “disturbed” as part of the topic underscoring and appropriating the situation of Herod to Johns message. Mark 6:20

 Herod and roles to the messenger Mark 6:20

ü  He respected John vs 20 according to Herod he was good and holy, John the Baptist also couldn’t have been a regular and uninvited visitor to the palace and he will still be held in that regard.

ü  He protected John till it was almost impossible by him. Vs 20, Prov16:7

ü  He killed him vs 26-28

 Characteristics of John the Baptist’s message Mark 1:1-8

There is a need to explore what made John the Baptist message disturbing and at the same time attractive, hence the need to note the following things about his message:

 ü  He was a messenger of God, sent by God vs 2-3(these days there are various messengers some are: messengers of unemployment, messengers of Satan, messengers of men of God, messengers of the season, unsaved messengers who called you forms/has a reflection/authority behind your message and it shows.

ü  He preached repentance from Sin and turning to God Vs.4

ü  All Judea and all Jerusalem went out and they confessed their sins Vs 5(a feat we are still struggling to replicate with all our motivational message and systems and technology of crowd catching and retaining), even with a ministration that may be a little harsh like Matt.3:7, Luke 3:7 brood of vipers gauging by modern homiletics all of Judea and Jerusalem still went out to Him. May God help us in this generation

ü  He pointed/directed all glory and attention to Jesus Vs 7-8

ü  God was with Him.

may God make us and give us message that disturbs and eventually convicts sinners in Jesus mighty name amen

Thank you and shalom


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