Monday, 29 July 2019


Biblical anchor: TEXT: Matt.3:1-10, 1 Sam3:1,

Title: WHERE ARE GOD’S MOUTHPIECE 2 (A two series Poem) 

Continued from last episode

This generation is in dire need of men whose message and lifestyle doesn’t not have love of money/grace that is not Christ like/subdue or dogmatic control of God’s sheep (Men whom Christ has set free) and all other forms of selfish and personal reason as its usual fulcrum, Men of God with a balanced view, understanding, training and inspiration anchored on and supervised by the Holy Spirit. DO WE STILL HAVE GOD’S MOUTHPIECE...?

Men who by their relationship and loyalty to God are enjoying the New Testament version of a grace that Abraham enjoyed, “I will not do this without letting my friend Abraham know”, they are by grace privy to both God’s plan/voice and also not unaware of the machinations of the devil and his cohorts, are not caught unaware of off-guard, DO WE STILL HAVE GOD’S MOUTHPIECE...?

Men who like patriarchs’ of old are always in pursuit of peace with everybody but will not keep silent for one second at the face of outright wickedness displayed even in high places, the prestige/honour/honorarium and other privileges accruable to affiliations with the throne will not make them silence God’s spirit within them, it is like fire burning in their bones that can’t be kept DO WE STILL HAVE GOD’S MOUTHPIECE...?   

I desire to be one of such father, whose life ambition is to please you, with eyes and focus on you and things that are yours, exhibiting the gospel even when silent, being a voice that Heaven can count on when palatable or otherwise, a channel unveiling God to a sick and dying world, speaking comfort to the helpless and caution to the recalcitrant, God help me to be GOD’S MOUTHPIECE.  

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