Tuesday, 7 May 2019



Brief introduction
Esther was the heroine of the book in the bible that bears her name, she was a Jew named Hadassah (the myrtle) she was however renamed when she entered the royal harem Esther 2:7.
It is believed by bible scholars that she (Esther) by the grace of God was instrumental towards the two purposes of the book which are telling the story behind the festival of Purim and also showing that God in His sovereignty, loves and cares for His own, however the big question and task is to be His and remain same may we obtain grace for this in Jesus name. Amen.

The meaning of Esther
It means a star in Persia, a star and a queen she became. Names are prophetic little wonder the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour was divine Is 9:6, Matt 1:21, also John the Baptist Luk 1:13.

Her origin
She was a Jew, a daughter of Abihail, a Benjamite Esther 2:15,from Benjamin a tribe that descended from the youngest son of patriarch Jacob with His wife Racheal Gen 35:18,49:27-28,Deut 33:12.

An orphan, a captive, a virgin
Esther was an orphan and this made her uncle Mordecai to adopt her Esther 2:7.she was also a captive in Babylon Esther 2:6. That she was a captive, lost her parent did not make her reckless, uncontrollable, she did not lose her: pride, sanity, dignity and morality using her misfortunes as alibi. It paid off in her easy passage to a place of destiny. Esther 2:2, 2:8.

Esther the tactful/favoured contestant
Esther was told never to reveal her nationality and she humbly and religiously obliged a case against those of us who are always in a hurry to advertise our success, strategies and even other personal details alongside. Even God hides things Prov. 25:2, Deut 29:29.It was well over four years before anyone even in the palace knew her origin.
Esther enjoyed favour even with Hegai, the latter took care of the virgins to be screened for the king to select a queen Esther 2:8 she enjoyed the following while with him:

·         Treated her kindly, ordered for her special menu and treatment Esther 2:9.
·         Assigned seven maids to her, gave her the best place in the harem Esther 2:9

Esther the queen and vessel
The life and ascension to the throne of Esther which happened after queen Vashti was dethroned in the third year of the reign of king xerxes can only/solely be traced to God that rules in the affairs Dan 4:17.There is need to underscore that she however did not allow this get to her head as she was troubled and send cloths when she heard her uncle’s predicament, even while she was having a nice time in the palace Esther 4:4.Esther was more of a vessel than a queen, had great faith, courage and piety. She esteemed her people (the Jew) more than her own life Esther 3:16.God wrought great work through her.



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