Friday, 4 January 2019



                                                            TEXT: HAGGAI 2:1-9


The topic will be considered under three headings:

(a)    What happened before the verse that houses this topic
(b)   The biblical nature of this statement
(c)    Lessons from the book of Haggai

(a)   What happened before the verse that houses this topic?

                               I.            King David wanted to build a house for God after he had settled in his own house 1 Chr. 17:1-11, good intention it appears but God rejected it. He however made requisite provisions. 

                            II.            King Solomon built the temple before building his own house 1 king 6:1-2 & 14
                         III.            587BC King Nebuchadnezzar 11 destroyed the temple 470 years,6 Months and 10 days that it was constructed.2 king 25:8-17.(there are however archaeological evidences of that temple till today).
                            IV            The temple was rebuilt and was the basis for the prophecy cum topic.

(b) The nature of that statement:

 THE GLORY OF THE LATER HOUSE” the statement when studied properly can be said to be prophetic, two things lends credence to this assertion:
 One- which house was being referred to? For example in John 2:19 the bible says Jesus answered and said unto them, destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up. Jesus referring to his body but was misconstrued as referring to the physical temple.
Two- the newly built temple wasn’t better than Solomon’s, a study of the following scriptures reveals this: 1 king 6 &, Hag.2:3ff.

However the following can be inferred from the verse as the temple being referenced:

                   I.            Jesus’ coming and the promise of another comforter at His departure to be resident in us, this makes us His temple carrying Him in us. John 14:16-17, 1 Cor 3:16, 6:19, Eph. 2:19. (A latter stance to when it was prophesied, then clearly better than Solomon’s Temple)
                II.            Was referring to His return to harvest the saint and other events to follow as that’s the only time there will ever be peace in the world. Hag. 2:9 says the glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts and in this place will I give peace saith the Lord of hosts. (Also a latter situation to when it was prophesied better than Solomon’s Temple).
 III.            The popular usage to depict my latter will be better than my former as also stated in Job 8:7 which says though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase. Also can be gotten from the scripture, as the prophesy were clearly for a later time and as such applicable.

(c) Lessons from the book of Haggai:

       I.            God is the first (infinite and ultimate) and demands to be first in our lives and affairs: although the children of Israel did contrary most time and the referenced text is not an exception and were dealt with Hagg. 1:6-8 are we any better today? Matt 6:33 says but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
    II.            God is interested in holiness, purity and obedience: Hagg. 2:13& 14, God is more interested in these than in any other thing we may think we have to offer unto Him the source and owner of all good things Jam 1:17,Ps 24:1. Obedience is better than sacrifice 1 Sam 15:22, our God can’t be bribed.
 III.            God can restore: whether it’s us, or anything that we have lost provided it is His will to do so, he can restore anyone and anything. HE IS GOD AND UNQUESTIONABLY SO.2 Chr.7:14, Ps 126:1, Joel 2:25.


### Happy new you ###
### 1 Cor 13:9 for we know in part ……###
### Raising royal army for Christ 1 Sam 2:8 ###
 God is the raiser ….

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