(B) Why do people take
God for granted?
1. Because God is not physical:
If God was to be appearing physically or with a known sign and giving out
commensurate punishment(s) when we err the story will be different from what it
is. John
4:24 paraphrased says God is spirit and they that must worship Him must do it
in spirit and truth. God is
spiritual and acts as such.
2. Ignorance:
14:1a says a fool says in His heart that there is no God, he does not
only says it in his heart he/she actually acts it out, ignorance kills and
destroys Hosea 4:6a says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge .Proverbs
9:10a says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
3. The enduring patience of God:
34:6 says and the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed ,The Lord, The Lord
God, merciful and gracious, long suffering and abundant in goodness and truth. The
fact that God is abundantly patient is one of the major reasons why people take
Him for granted.
4. The grace of God:
some people take Him for granted because of a grace he has given to them e.g
they will be rude to Him, His vessel and everyone because He (God) made them intelligent,
gave them money, gave those positions and influence. James 1:17 says every good and
perfect gift comes from God the father of lights who gives without variableness.
Another reason on the grace is because God may not withdraw his grace even our misbehavior
(although when we continue to break principles we will be broken by God’s
immutable principles itself), Samson may not have died in such manner if the
grace had been taken or reduced at his first escapade with a woman against
God’s and his parents guidance. He didn’t die in the laps of the first woman he
misbehaved with. Judges 14:1, Judges 16:1ff.
5. God’s concept of time:
because God does not do things when we think or anticipate make people take him
for granted and look for alternatives Psalm 90:4 for a thousand years in thy sight
are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. God is not a man, He doesn’t think or
act or deals with in and with time like us, as heaven is from earth so are His
thought and ways different from ours.
Freshlogosexperience.blogspot.com.ng ###
Spirit and life ###
John 6:63 ###
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