Friday, 17 March 2017



No meal has only sweeteners’ as ingredients, balance is the key to life. It surely will have other ingredients. If our inspirations are from the Holy Spirit it should be a section of the whole truth. Acts 20:27 says for I have not shunned declaring unto you ALL THE COUNSEL of God. There is the whole truth or all the counsel of God. I pray in Jesus name may we not have a case of spiritually Mal-nutrition in Jesus name.

The essence of this as led by the Holy Spirit is to examine so as to avert the impediment of our coming together for the better as stated in the anchor scripture 1 Cor 11:17 ff which is God’s ultimate intention. As such this is not intention-ed to anyone or group but unveiled as given by God.

Where two or more are gathered in my name there I am in the midst of them (Matt 18:20). This clearly means God is present in any gathering of His children. It is therefore disrespect to God and as insult to His children for anyone to use His house to say/state/teach/preach something inconsistent with the word of God. The house of God is not a political space to be used to promote a view, settle scores, or a launching pad against physical enemies John 4:24 says that God is spirit and they who will worship him must do so in spirit and in truth. We will account for all we do. Romans 14:12 says so then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. We should be able to say like the psalmist in Psalm 119: 113 which says I hate vain thoughts but thy law do I love.

Heresies could be taken as facts or truth by babes and there is no church filled with all babes or all adults hence there are people to mislead always. The higher the office the greater the decorum displayed little wonder Habakkuk 2:20 says but the Lord is in His holy temple let all the earth keep silence, this does not mean we should be static and not say amen even when prayers are said but that our AFFAIRS should be moderated, there should be decorum.

Heresy are beliefs that deviates from biblical standard, the authority of the church is the word of God which is God himself no more no less John 1:1 says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. Read, think, talk, teach, discuss and be a doer of the word. 

## No to vain talks and heresies ###
## coming together not for the better 1 Cor 11:17 ###
## Understanding the riches of God’s word. ###

fb:       freshlogosexperience.

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