Monday, 25 December 2017


(C) How do people take God for granted?

·         Consistent and intentional acts of wickedness/sin: it is taking God for granted when anyone continues in sin/acts of wickedness with all the sacrifice that God made for us, the zenith of which is the death like a criminal.  Roman 6:1 says what shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? Alas one of the last unveiling to John christened revelation 22 :11-12 says he that is unjust let him be unjust still and he that is filthy let him be filthy still and he that is righteous let him be righteous still. And behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give everyman according as his work shall be. lets us watch it the master comes soon  

·         Acts of ingratitude:  Luke 17:17 Jesus speaking says And Jesus answering said, were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? As we receive all forms of goodness from God he expects to show acts of appreciation to Him as the source of all goodness and good , James 1:17 says Every good gift and perfect gift comes from the father of light who gives without variableness . Don’t be an ingrate to God. Have you said thank you Jesus today?

·         Lack of reference for His house and His vessels: thank God for the era of grace that we now live in but the generation that lived in the old testament/covenant who needs a priest to do anything in the temple especially in the holy of holies (Ex 28:35a which says and it shall be upon Aaron to minister(ministering in the temple) ,Lev 16:2-34 or some who were buried alive while insulting or taking vessels of God for granted (Number 26:10 says And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up together with Korah, when that company died, what  time the fire devoured two hundred fifty men and they became a sign) learnt this lesson better although in a very bitter and an expensive/ not pleasant a way. One of the things that easily leads to abuse are access lets us not fall victim of this to God, Let’s learn to honour the house things and all sincere and heavenly conscious vessels of God.

·           All forms of Idolatry: Isaiah 42:8 says I am the Lord, that is my name, and my glory will I not give to another neither my praise to any graven image. God abhors all forms of idolatry hence the referenced scripture and the first in the laws or the world famous ten commandments that God passed down to Moses in Exodus 20:3 says Thou shall have no other God beside me underscoring His disposition towards idolatry. God gets very angry with us when we get involved in any form of idolatry including worshiping men (for whatever reason).

·         Using any God given grace for personal gains only: The God that we serve is never myopic or selfish, When HE releases any form of grace on any individual he doesn’t do it only for the person’s benefit, He does it to advance His course which is always  bigger than  the recipient or the vessel. When Samson was endowed with power it was not to jump from one woman to the other or for self-aggrandizement, the mission statement was also released Judges 13:5 For, lo, thou shall conceive and bear a son, and no razor shall come on His head, for he shall be a nazarite unto God from the womb, and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the philistines. Flee or stop using divine enablement for personal desires ONLY.

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## Spirit and life ###

## John 6:63 ###


Sunday, 17 December 2017


(B) Why do people take God for granted?

1.      Because God is not physical: If God was to be appearing physically or with a known sign and giving out commensurate punishment(s) when we err the story will be different from what it is. John 4:24 paraphrased says God is spirit and they that must worship Him must do it in spirit and truth.   God is spiritual and acts as such.

2.      Ignorance: Psalm 14:1a says a fool says in His heart that there is no God, he does not only says it in his heart he/she actually acts it out, ignorance kills and destroys Hosea 4:6a says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge .Proverbs 9:10a says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

3.      The enduring patience of God: Ex 34:6 says and the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed ,The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, long suffering and abundant in goodness and truth. The fact that God is abundantly patient is one of the major reasons why people take Him for granted.

4.      The grace of God: some people take Him for granted because of a grace he has given to them e.g they will be rude to Him, His vessel and everyone because He (God) made them intelligent, gave them money, gave those positions and influence. James 1:17 says every good and perfect gift comes from God the father of lights who gives without variableness. Another reason on the grace is because God may not withdraw his grace even our misbehavior (although when we continue to break principles we will be broken by God’s immutable principles itself), Samson may not have died in such manner if the grace had been taken or reduced at his first escapade with a woman against God’s and his parents guidance. He didn’t die in the laps of the first woman he misbehaved with. Judges 14:1, Judges 16:1ff.

5.      God’s concept of time: because God does not do things when we think or anticipate make people take him for granted and look for alternatives Psalm 90:4 for a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.  God is not a man, He doesn’t think or act or deals with in and with time like us, as heaven is from earth so are His thought and ways different from ours.

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## Spirit and life ###

## John 6:63 ###

Tuesday, 12 December 2017



TEXT: MATT 21:33-40, MARK 12:1-9

One of the profound signs of the end time is taking God for granted “for many shall come (A) IN MY NAME saying (B) I AM THE CHRIST and shall deceive many” Matt 24:5 (emphasis mine),(as if Christ himself is dead, what a pity) what also can be derived from the parable of Jesus in the text for this study is the all important lesson never to take God for granted may we receive the grace never to take God for granted in our lives, careers, family and ministry in Jesus name
A brief on the text (KJV) shows in Matt two sets of servants comprising of numbers not given were sent before the son of the owner of the farm was sent while the passage in mark states three different servants (one at a time) were sent before the son of the farm owner was sent. The owner was painfully taken for granted servants beaten, humiliated and in some instances killed son also killed.

The lesson is broken into four parts viz:
Who is HE?
Why do people take God for granted?
How do people take God for granted?
Aftermaths of Taking God for granted.

(A)Who is He?

1.      Alpha and Omega: Rev 1:8, 22:13 says I am the alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, that which was which is and which is to come.
2.      Saviour and Judge: It is either the son of God is your Lord and savior now Matt 1:21 and she shall bring forth a son and thou shall call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins. Or he will be your judge latter Rev 22:12 behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give everyman according to his work shall be.
3.      Creator: Gen 1:3-27 clearly tells us the creative activity of God, all that were created were done by Him.
4.        Omni ALL: all: powerful, knowing, present same time everywhere the list is endless. Psalm 62:11 God has spoken twice have I heard that all power belongs to God. Matt 28:18 and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

## freshlogosexperience ###
## spirit and life ###
##John 6:63###

Friday, 8 December 2017



                                                         TEXT: Luke 11:1-4

Every finished product went through a process, when the process is right the product will be right, prayer is also a process that needs to be understood for it to produce the desired end little wonder James 4:3a (ESV) says you ask and receive not, because you ask amiss. May God grant us grace not to/ stop asking amiss in Jesus mighty name.
·         A prayer is the harbinger of all forms of activities and decisions to Christians hence the need to get it right.
·         A prayer does not only exemplify our relationship it is relationship with God. Luke 2:2(KJV) says and he said unto them, when ye pray say OUR FATHER.


1.      In accordance to His will: One of the first prayer that all Christian should pray is to know His will and pray such down to earth, if our eyes of the spirit are opened we will note that some of our prayers are against God's will for our lives or requesting for something that he has done already like praying for a savior to come die for our sins again. This is why a line in the world famous prototype of prayer referred to as our Lord's prayer says THY WILL BE DONE   Matt 6:10

2.      With His word: with the understanding of Mark 13:31 which says Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away there is no better tool for prayer than His word which is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 says forever O LORD Your word is settled in Heaven. Not with enchantment or adages or spells but with His word.

3.      In Holiness: Psalm 66:18 says if I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. Sin makes God abhor our prayers.

4.      With thanksgiving: Phil 4:6 says be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God. Our request to God must be done with a gratifying heart.

5.      With faith: Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you what things so ever ye desire when ye pray believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.

6.      With humility: Luke 18 which details the prayers of the Pharisee and the tax collector Clearly tells us that is a germane attitude for answered prayers. 

7.      With Persistence: 1 Thess 5:17 says pray without ceasing. Luke 18:1-5
This among other factors will make our prayers get speedy response from God may God answer our prayers.

## Freshlogosexperience ####
## Spirit and Life ####

Friday, 3 November 2017


Text: James 1:5, 3:15-17

       The first visitor that Jesus had after a forty day of fast is the Devil Matt 4:3 underscoring the fact that there are other weapons asides fasting and praying needed to live a successful life on this earth, we will by the help of the Holy Spirit study the best order of wisdom which is that from God. May we be blessed.  

Ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have. (Online Advance English)

1.     Our classification of wisdom according the scriptures James 1:17,3:15 we have:
2.     God’s wisdom
3.     Earthly wisdom Phil 3:19
4.     Sensual wisdom
5.     Devilish wisdom

Ø To fear God                                                  Job 28:28
Ø Righteousness                                             Psalm 37:30,51:6
Ø Humility                                                        Prov. 11:2
Ø Faithful                                                         Mat. 24:45
Ø Working for Christ                                      1 Cor. 3:10
Ø When God’s word lives in you                  Col. 3:16
Ø Practise good works                                   James 3;13

·        It is from God                                             Dan 2:20,Is 11:2
·        It is a defense                                             Ecss. 7:12
·        It is better than strength                          Ecss. 9:16,Ecss 10:10
·        It promotes                                               Dan. 5:11ff
·        It does mighty works                               Mat. 13:54
·        It shows superiority                                 Luke 21:15,Act 6:10.

1)    Moses                                                  Acts 7:22
2)    Bezaleel                                               Ex 31:3-5
3)    Hiram                                                   1 king 7:14
4)    Aholiab
5)    Solomon                                             1 King 3:12,1king 4:29
6)    Ethan                                                  1 king 4:31
7)    Daniel                                                 Dan 1:17

                   I.            Laying of Hands                               Deut 34:9
                 II.            Reading God’s word                       Deut 4:2
              III.            Asking for it                                      Matt 7:7,James 1:5
              IV.            Association

Christ is the power and wisdom of God 1 Cor. 1:24,the first step towards being wise is having Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and consciously following in His footstep. Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?