Thursday, 23 January 2025

Our year of Rehoboth by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


                                              Text: Genesis 26:15-23

Topic:My year of Rehoboth

 This topic will be considered with the following sub-headings:

1.Blessed in famine vs.1-2,12-14

2.Stopped his father, waged war against that made him to relocate vs.15

3.different diggings with different outcomes

4. Rehoboth

Blessed in famine vs.1-2,12-14

Isaac was blessed tremendously even during famine without hoarding palliatives, oppressing anyone/denying people of their entitlements, depleting the commonwealth of any nation/group,manipulating anyone/group but by:

Having a relationship with God      Vs.2-3 (God will not forsake His own Ps.37:25)

Obeying His voice like his father    vs.4-6

(A case against Naomi and Elimelech who ran from Bethlehem and the family was ravaged by death for they moved without instruction/consultation and almost came home empty  Ruth1:1ff,1:21)

Sowing                           vs.11.            

       Prov.13:4 (King James Bible)
The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

Prayer Lord empower to sow and reap the rewards/fruits of my sowing

Stopped his fathers,waged war against him he had to relocate vs.15

His father being the friend of God was stopped by the Philistines from enjoying God given water for which he laboured/toiled.vs.15

The same sect waged war against Isaac as he became great creating a semblance of a pattern of resistance, they however didn’t fill Isaac well with the earth but told him to leave the environment altogether.vs.16-17.

Be observant,sensitive and wary of evil/negative patterns,talking to God in prayers and working against it,we serve a prayer answering God.Is.65:24


different diggings with different outcomes

He already left a settlement to another,a valley but was still stunned with opposition from the herdmen of Gerar this is different from the Philistine resistance he had earlier.

Isaac dug the first well vs.18-20 there was arguement he named it Esek meaning argument.

Isaac dug a second well and there was contest for it too he named it sitnah meaning enmity.vs.21

Isaac finally dug a third well and there was no contest he therefore name it Rehoboth.vs.22.


This name appeared three times in the scripture:

Rehoboth by the river, a city from which  the Edomite king came Gen.36:37,1 Chro.1:48

Rehoboth -ir among the cities founded by Nimrod.Gen.10:11

Rehoboth named by Isaac our focus for tonight.Gen.26

Meaning and applications of Rehoboth

Literally broad spaces or room

Prayer with Vs.23

All strives against our comfort and progress will be stopped

The Lord will make room/space for us in the year 2025

It shall be our year of fruitfullness.



Saturday, 11 January 2025

Arm of flesh ( Jericho's wall ) by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


                                                          Text: Joshua 6:1-27

Topic: Arm of flesh ( Jericho's wall ) 

This will be done with the following Sub-headings:

What is arm of flesh?

Brief on Jericho's wall

Why the wall fell?

A few examples of others who trusted in the arm of flesh

Don't trust your arm of flesh

What is arm of flesh 

A phrase for human strength or aid (public domain)

The arm of flesh is any human created, sponsored, or related support, be it: skill, resources, finance, education, power, relationship, infrastructure, technological capacities/prowess.

This is what the fallen man would see after making the unwise decision to remove God from existence, achievement and position. For instance, Nebuchadnezar (Dan 4:28ff); The rich fool (Luke 12:16ff).   

Are there appearance of the Arm of flesh in and around you? If yes be wary of them.

Brief on Jericho's Wall

Made up of stones from a hill (hills are most time rocky)(The Lord is the rock eternal Is.26:4 NIV)

It was the oldest wall of that magnitude dating back to 8000 BCE (Before Common Era)/7001BC (Before Christ), it can be referred to as the earliest technological building.

It was 13 feet high and six feet wide ( 13 feet is the full height of an averagely standard one storeyed building in the Uk).

The ruins/site was designated as a UNESCO world heritage site in 2023 (the site is located in the Jordan rift valley, 1.5km north of modern Jericho and 10km north west of the dead sea)

This amongst others tells why they relied on this arm of flesh, who would have this and not want to lean on it, they however failed gallantly. Don't follow this inglorious path.

Why the wall fell 

Is God against human achievement/effort/skill?

No build houses and live in them appeared several times in the scriptures : Is 65:17,Jer.29:5,Ezek.28:26 e.t.c the famous Solomon's temple was built 1Kings 6:1ff.

The wall stood on the way of God's age-long promise for His beloved people (Gen12:7,15:18-21).

God reiterated this to them while around the area (Joshua 6:2).

God's people believed God and were obedient to divine instruction given to them per time even towards the fall (Joshua6:6ff,Is.1:19).

A few examples of others who trusted in the arm of flesh

The man on whose arm the king leaned (2 kings 7:1ff)

Samson thought it was his muscles that gives him victory (Judges 16:20ff)

Nebuchadnezar thought he had it all together. His power and influence got to his head (Dan.3:15)

Peter at the river before Jesus showed up (Luke 5:4ff)

Don't be an addition to these negative list.

Don't trust your arm of flesh 

Are we saying that we should discard our efforts/skill, God given strength and connections? No!

Have them but don't trust in any arm of flesh whether in you or around you (Jer.17:5-8, Psalm 146:3). As we approach a new year have/learn skill/strength nourish relationships, employ and deploy God given edges but take your eyes off the hill but look unto God (1Sam.2:9) ONLY GOD CAN BE FULLY TRUSTED (Rom.10:11).