Sunday, 3 November 2024

The Antichrist


                                                The End series 2

Text: Revelation 13:1-10,2 Thessalonian 2:1-12


The Antichrist


The study will be done with the following sub-headings:


Applied antichrist and the beast also known anti-christ

Closer look at the beast also known as the anti-christ

Its inglorious end



 Going against God, His messengers, His messages, His will is not a new phenomenon and would remain with us and even grow worse become embodied in the person of the anti-christ before it is finally conquered,May we receive grace not to be part of/stop to be part of this inglorious and ignoble dance of shame in Jesus mighty name. The Scripture is replete with people who did that, let us itemise just a few:

 Adam and Eve     Gen.3

Human race         Gen 6:5-6

Lots wife              Gen.19:26

Pharaoh                Ex.5:2

Satan                    Is. 14:13

                          Applied antichrist and the beast also known as anti-christ

The word anti-christ appears in five books of the bible which are Daniel,Matthew, 2 Thesalonians ,1 & 2 John and Revelation and it is also worthy of note that the word is also used freely in biblical discussions and gathering hence the need to tell the different things the word stands for.

 Antichrist /ˈantɪkrʌɪst/    when the text/or speaker uses the word to  refer to a person(s)/ force(s) seen as opposing Christ or His church, more specifically the people that had come before now or who currently are here now that we are still expecting the rapture then we are talking about the applied anti-christ.

On the flip of that when we talk about a personal and bodied opponent of Christ expected to appear before the end of the world precisely after rapture we are referring to the end series( beast)  anti-christ, it should be noted that both are used freely even in the scriptures hence the need to study with the help of the Holy spirit,contextually and with a deep concentration and attention to details may God help us Amen.

                Closer look at the beast also known as the anti-christ

  The anti-christ is one of the two beast refrenced in Rev.13:1 till the end : (Beast from the sea & Beast from the earth).

The anti-christ is also known as the man of Sin, the bodily culmination of Sins. 2 Thess2:3,Matt 24:12

A man of deciet , many will be decieved with its loud and seemingly laudable programs: a temporary world peace order which is just a bait John 14:27 only in Jesus do we have peace, one world religion,one economy with a unified currency,rebuilding of Solomon’s temple only to sit as the lord in it desecrating the temple and its hallowness. Dan.8:25(TLB).

The wicked one: the anti-christ shall be a blood thirsty and mean leader.2 Thess.2:8-9

Part of Satan’s unholy trinity viz: Satan also known as the dragon, The anti-christ also known as the beast from the sea & The false prophet also known as the beast of the earth. Rev.12:3,Rev.13:1-4, Rev13:11.

                                 Its inglorious end

Evil and evil doers always have a bitter end, the beast has only forty two months to perform all his evil although those months will look like forever to those who are around at that time but it only has a limited time as set by God and will be thrown into the lake of fire in judgement by God alongside the other beast which is the false prophet Rev.19:19-21.

The trumpet will sound soon, we are earnestly expecting the rapture already please be ready.


There are agitations and speculations about the identity of the anti-christ even amongst Christains: clergy and laity with some pointing fingers at figures like Donald Trump,Barack Obama,Hilary Clinton,Pope francis,Vladimir Putin Prince Wiliams amongst others, it is still a major concern in some other quarters why there is so much hush/concern and the thoughts keeps coming that we do no need this name calling and misplacement of priority rather looking unto Jesus and following in His foot-steps so as not to be around at the treacherous reign of the anti-christ Heb.12:2.Look unto Jesus.