Friday 9 August 2024

Gleaning from the fathers from Pastor S O Oladele


                                                         Text: Gen.32:1-2(NKJV)

Gleaning from the fathers 3 (SOTS)

Topic: Mahanaim (by Pastor S.O Oladele President CAC Nigeria and Overseas)


The president began by appreciating everyone whom God used in one form or another for that August occasion and by large everyone present in that program, it is customary for him to appreciate people, do we appreciate people too, and not only God.

The message was delivered recently in faraway Canada in an apostolic visit by our Father in the Lord the president of our beloved church CAC Nigeria and Overseas.

He gave a brief reference to today’s CAC Living Water do we still have time even as ministers to study the bible, our devotional, and pray? Acts 6:4

He gave a background stating the circumstances that Jacob had a great beginning that promises went way ahead of Him but had to flee his place of birth and from the rage of His brother Esau because he was cunny, crafty, and wanted to achieve divine ends/purpose by human deceptive tendencies and behaviours, are we any better? Grab it/hijack it and run away with it.

He stated clearly that Jacob was a man of promise and great destiny but hastily resorted to scheming and shenanigans instead of holding on to God and waiting on Him and His promises that don’t fail. Are we not tired of waiting too and planning our way into divine fulfilment?

He however got the blessings that he desperately sought but this didn’t come without some consequences one of which was to elope away not minding the encroaching and accompanying dangers and death, what is the purpose/us of a so-called blessing that can't be enjoyed?Prov.10:22

He stated succinctly that faith doesn’t struggle, and by struggle, he means attempting to help our faith/prayer to achieve what we have prayed for especially employing ungodly/unholy means/actions. Jesus spoke that will He meet faith on earth Luke 18:1ff, He meant the waiting faith on Jesus Christ alone. He prayed that when we have knocked on the door of Christ may we not knock on any other door in Jesus' mighty name.

He stated that Jacob had seen the face of his father, his uncle but at Peniel, He saw the face of God. He stated that despite Jacob's several misdeeds and misbehavior God still showed him mercy underscoring that our God is merciful. MAY WE SEE THE FACE OF GOD AND DO THAT CONTINUOUSLY IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME.

He stressed that if we don’t stop struggling, God may not hesitate to break our leg just like He did for Jacob whose leg was his undoing, ran ahead of Esau to get the blessing through venison, he ran ahead of Laban amongst his other schemes. why not stop struggling/Schemes today.

He stated clearly that no one can change our God-given, heaven-ordained destiny as long as we are in and of God, people may yield themselves to be used by the devil to put impediments/blockages/hindrances in our way or even become a stoppage themselves, He posited that every day and everywhere we would meet people who wouldn’t wish us well but we must not be deterred, God will make good His good will/purpose. WE DON’T LIVE BY STRUGGLE BUT WE LIVE BY PRAYER AND PROVIDENCE.

Even in Jacob's circumstance of fear, God sent His angel to him, to give him help in his situation of helplessness, The president also identified two camps in the passage the camp of Jacob known for helplessness, fear, and hopelessness( his works, weaknesses and evil deeds are enough to make him fear) and the camp of God known for hope/help/support at all times, then the place had a name Mahanaim.

He exemplified the Christian coat of arm as having symbols of sheep, dove, eagle, and lion, he stated that we are to exemplify these diverse traits as being innocently led, being harmless/gentle, flying away at high altitude, especially from troubled spots, and at times affirm/exert the lion of the tribe of Judah in us, stay and face the enemies. Jer.51:20-23,Prov.28:1

He then charges that as Children of God, we should not be afraid but be full of faith that it is high time we looked away from our camp into God’s camp and it will be well with us in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.

He charges on the need to see the visions of angels other days of the week and this will facilitate our seeing angels on Sunday that the best place and opportunity to display our Christian faith is in the market and wicked places of this life and world.

There is help, rest, hope, and nutrients are all available for us at Mahanaim but there is a need to be an ambassador of peace as Jacob couldn’t access all the great things he did before he made a covenant of peace with Esau. Walk in the will of God to enjoy all that is His.



1. Let us pray for our Father in the Lord that God will continue to increase Him in wisdom, grace, and all of God in Jesus' mighty name, He will end well in Jesus' mighty name.

2. Lets pray that God will give us great faith in Him alone.