Friday, 15 December 2023

In but not of the world by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


                                                      Text: John 17:11-15

Topic: In but not of the world

This will be done with the following sub-headings:

Lessons from the Prayer of Jesus

The evil called Sin

What Jesus gave His disciples as an antidote for worldliness

Lessons from the Prayer of Jesus 

Luke 17:9, Jesus prayed for His disciples and stated that at that time He didn’t pray for the world, we are aware that He came to die for the whole world, and His blood was for the whole world but very close to His departure, He specifically prayed for His disciple, those on whom He laboured and trusted God for grace for them to continue His assignment, this could have been a special prayer because of their alignment with Him, His father and the eternal assignment i.e. the redemption and reconciliation of men to God. 

If Jesus were to pray for people today based on their alignment with Him and His purpose on earth would we be counted amongst the number Rom. 8:34?

Luke 17:11, Jesus knew where He was going, "I come to thee” It wasn’t a probability or left to chance, He knew He was going back to the Father, If the rapture were to happen now or we transited from this earthly realm now do we know where we are going? Eternity is too long for anyone to transact with, play with or live in uncertainty about, have you given your life to Jesus, are you standing in Him still,, Examine yourself frequently and take amendments, He will still come like a thief in the night,1 Cor.10:12,2 Cor.13:5-7,1 Thess.5:2.

The evil called Sin

In the prayer of Jesus, He mentioned that God would keep His disciples from evil/the evil one vs.15.

One of the identity/major characteristics/method of operation/baits for the captivity of the evil one(the devil) is Sin,1 John 3:8a&b, John 5:14, by implication sin is one of the sterling evil ravaging the earth even from the garden of Eden Gen3:1ff.

The scripture is clear about the perspectives of Sin viz: cravings for physical pleasure, craving for everything we see, pride in our achievements/possessions 1 John 2:16.are you not caught in any of this web?

There is however provisional victory over sin in the name of Jesus hallelujah,  CACGHB 494 verse 1 what can wash away my sin…,this however requires our repentance and decision to never return to the vomit of sin 1John 3:8c&d. Is.55:7,1 John 1:9.

What Jesus gave His disciples as an antidote to worldliness 

The word of God: Jesus echoed in this passage that He gave the disciples what was received from the Father, THE WORD, The latter sanctifies from the filthiness of this continuously degrading world, glory to Jesus. John 17:8,14,17.

Prayer: Jesus prayed vehemently prayed for the disciples, thus laying a precedent for us that if anyone is going to survive the wordiness of this age, such must be a person of prayer. John 17:15.Right prayer provides a platform of visitation to God and as we continue to behold Him we become like Him. 2 Cor.3:18.

The Holy Spirit: Jesus told the disciples to wait in the upper room until they were endowed with the spirit of God Acts.1:4.The spirit of God will teach us all things that are needed for life and Godliness. John 16:13-16. 

Conclusion: The love and unguided interaction with the world can't coexist with that of God, please weigh your options and take your stand, I beseech that you take seriously your love for God and do ALL to keep it, Jesus is coming soon.1 John 2:15-17.James 4:4-8.