Monday, 13 February 2023

Mist from the earth by Gbenga Aluko


Text: Genesis 2:1-6

Topic: Mist from the earth

This will be done with the following subheading: 


The mist from the earth

Some lessons from the referenced act of God


According to Jewish tradition, Moses wrote the book called Genesis, one of the purposes of the book is to show God who clearly existed before time, age, and creation created the entire universe via His word. Gen. 1:1ff, Col.1:16.

The Bible is an executive summary of who God is, what: he has done, can do, will do, and the relationship of people with Him amongst others John 21:25.

Genesis 1 is the beginning of the book of the beginnings it details the creative activities of God, Genesis chapter 2 is like an appendix an addendum to Genesis chapter 1, it further explains what is recorded in chapter 1 however with some additional details some of which are:

1. The introduction of the Mist                                Gen 2:6

2. The Method of human formation                               2:7

3. Planting of Eden                                                             2:8-14

4. Duty of dressing and keeping                                      2:15

5. Naming of creatures                                                     2:19

6. The formation of the help meet                                 2:21ff


The mist from the earth Gen 2:6

Different versions of the scriptures AMP, ESV, KJV, NIV, and TLB give it various names: mist, streams, and water. Verse 6 of the text tells clearly that this was God’s way of getting the whole earth wet before the man could till or come up with the subsisting irrigation methods and models or before the rain fell from the sky.

God is all-powerful and all-knowing and doesn’t need anyone or anything especially already in existence Ps 115:3, we need God for everything but He can be independent of us all together, Just as He used hailstones which did more than all that the children of Israel could muster Joshua 10:11.God works through: people, things no doubt but abhors our trust in them, Are you not caught in the web of trusting men and things based on previous usage/benevolence by God? Jer.17:5, Ps.121:1-2 please amend your ways.

further lessons from the referenced act of God

1.      God is generational and progressive mist, man, rainfall, and irrigational amongst other methods that He gave/will give us the wisdom to do. James 1:17, God continues to work through people are you ready & available for His next move?

2.      God was not only fully available before men (the one who was before the beginning began, we worship you God), His acts and works predate human existence, this should make us humble before our God, father, and creator 1 Peter5:6


Prayer outro: God you that wet the whole earth without anyone and anything, Lord carve a niche for me this year, make ways for me that will make my life more meaningful and that will enable me to serve you better in Jesus’ mighty name Amen.



Monday, 6 February 2023

The gates opened on their own accord by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


                       Text: Acts 12:1-10

                       Topic: The gates opened on their own accord

This will be done with the following sub-headings:

Herod streched his hands

Continuous evil needs support

God is always on time

replicating same feat today

                         HEROD STRECHED HIS HANDS

Acts 11:1ff gives a summary of the grace of salvation and that of the infilling by the Holy spirit that was graciously extended even unto the gentiles as narated by Apostle Peter,this was however done to calm the frayed nerves of the other Apostles who were infuriated about the former's eating with the Gentiles,but God is no respecter of persons Acts 10:28b He deals with humans especially in the new testament based on the condition of our heart,His investment in us,His grace that is speaking in,on and for us amongst others but not with repect to origin,culture or language.

Same chapter of the scriptures shows great conversions of soul unto the only way Acts 11:21 and also an important prophecy of an impending famine from Prophet Agabus.Since according to the scripture, there is joy in heaven over one sinner that is saved Luke 15:7,it safe to say the reverse is the case with the devil and his cohorts over several sinners who comes to the saving grace of the Lord.This can be further attested to by the introductory verse of chapter 12 as all hell was let loosed against the believers using the available and yielded vessel King Herod.Acts 12:1


Just like a lie cannot stand alone in the long run, it needs more lies to continue the shameful cycle of delusion and self deceit, same suffices for evil,any evil that is pervading has heavy support ,this will be totally unraveled if carefully placed under the lens of the Holy Spirit.

king Herod is clearly demonic ,evil and ungodly as he unilaterarily took decisions/gave directives that anihilated James Acts 12:2 ,but according to the scriptures what made him bold or more entrenched in his demonic escapade was the applause of the Jews vs.3.Evils doers and supporters should clearly know that whatever they sow they will reap on earth and also give account to God.If Aithophel had got the requisite support(ers) like the Jews did for Herod king David would not only have been dethroned he would have been killed,thank God for God,His Spirit,His wisdom and David's prayer 2 Sam.15.please dont be evil or be an encouragement to evil it had never paid of well. 

                    GOD IS ALWAYS ON TIME

2 kings 4:1-2 says a woman came crying to Elisha that her husband whom she described as thy servant to Elisha is dead not only that creditors are already making plans to come take her sons as bondmen since their exposure to the family hasnt been sorted,God via His prophet saved the day,a child of God doesnt totally become stranded he/she may/will have fair share of test/trainings from/permitted by God but GOD NEVER FAILS,HE NEVER ABANDONS THOSE WHO TOTALLY TRUSTS IN HIM AND ARE WALKING IN HIS WAYS,are you part of them?


1. Be His disciple vs.1 the onslaught was against God's children and the rescue mission was also for them.vs.1

2.Be a person of prayers that is backed up with the word in line with His will,the bible didnt record that Peter prayed but it clearly records that the church prayed without ceasing.vs.5

3.Trust in His saving power only.Apostle Peter trusted and had surrendered all to God little wonder he could sleep even amidst soldiers and in the inner segment of the prison.vs.6

4.Be obidient to divine instruction,ideas,directives, what would have happened had Peter disobeyed the angel.

May God teach us and give us grace to be obedient to all that will make all closed doors to open for us even on their own accord this year and always in Jesus mighty name.

Amen and Shalom.