Friday, 15 December 2023

In but not of the world by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


                                                      Text: John 17:11-15

Topic: In but not of the world

This will be done with the following sub-headings:

Lessons from the Prayer of Jesus

The evil called Sin

What Jesus gave His disciples as an antidote for worldliness

Lessons from the Prayer of Jesus 

Luke 17:9, Jesus prayed for His disciples and stated that at that time He didn’t pray for the world, we are aware that He came to die for the whole world, and His blood was for the whole world but very close to His departure, He specifically prayed for His disciple, those on whom He laboured and trusted God for grace for them to continue His assignment, this could have been a special prayer because of their alignment with Him, His father and the eternal assignment i.e. the redemption and reconciliation of men to God. 

If Jesus were to pray for people today based on their alignment with Him and His purpose on earth would we be counted amongst the number Rom. 8:34?

Luke 17:11, Jesus knew where He was going, "I come to thee” It wasn’t a probability or left to chance, He knew He was going back to the Father, If the rapture were to happen now or we transited from this earthly realm now do we know where we are going? Eternity is too long for anyone to transact with, play with or live in uncertainty about, have you given your life to Jesus, are you standing in Him still,, Examine yourself frequently and take amendments, He will still come like a thief in the night,1 Cor.10:12,2 Cor.13:5-7,1 Thess.5:2.

The evil called Sin

In the prayer of Jesus, He mentioned that God would keep His disciples from evil/the evil one vs.15.

One of the identity/major characteristics/method of operation/baits for the captivity of the evil one(the devil) is Sin,1 John 3:8a&b, John 5:14, by implication sin is one of the sterling evil ravaging the earth even from the garden of Eden Gen3:1ff.

The scripture is clear about the perspectives of Sin viz: cravings for physical pleasure, craving for everything we see, pride in our achievements/possessions 1 John 2:16.are you not caught in any of this web?

There is however provisional victory over sin in the name of Jesus hallelujah,  CACGHB 494 verse 1 what can wash away my sin…,this however requires our repentance and decision to never return to the vomit of sin 1John 3:8c&d. Is.55:7,1 John 1:9.

What Jesus gave His disciples as an antidote to worldliness 

The word of God: Jesus echoed in this passage that He gave the disciples what was received from the Father, THE WORD, The latter sanctifies from the filthiness of this continuously degrading world, glory to Jesus. John 17:8,14,17.

Prayer: Jesus prayed vehemently prayed for the disciples, thus laying a precedent for us that if anyone is going to survive the wordiness of this age, such must be a person of prayer. John 17:15.Right prayer provides a platform of visitation to God and as we continue to behold Him we become like Him. 2 Cor.3:18.

The Holy Spirit: Jesus told the disciples to wait in the upper room until they were endowed with the spirit of God Acts.1:4.The spirit of God will teach us all things that are needed for life and Godliness. John 16:13-16. 

Conclusion: The love and unguided interaction with the world can't coexist with that of God, please weigh your options and take your stand, I beseech that you take seriously your love for God and do ALL to keep it, Jesus is coming soon.1 John 2:15-17.James 4:4-8.



Monday, 20 November 2023

Don’t go back to that King by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


                                                       Text: Ezra 8:18-22

Topic: Don’t go back to that King

 We will study this with the following headings:


The hands of God on Ezra

The fear of the enemy in the way 

Don’t go back to that king


King Cyrus as prophesied makes a proclamation that the Lord has appointed him to build the temple in Jerusalem. He allows any of God’s people within his jurisdiction to return for this task. Is.44:28,Jer 25:12,Ez.1:1-2

The king returned gold and other articles that Nebuchadnezzar had taken earlier from the temple and built the returnees build an altar to present offerings, they also laid the foundation for the Temple(the formers having been destroyed by invaders). There was a mixture of joy and weeping as the foundation was laid. Ez.1:4-11, the elderly were weeping because when they compared what has just been built to what was there before they cried, are we celebrating the right things?

Ezra a graced and skilled scribe and priest is introduced Ez.7:1ff.King Artaxerxes writes to grant Ezra permission to lead a second group of exiles back to Jerusalem after a short stoppage and provides him with resources and a decree supporting the Temple services.7:16,17,20.No Soldier goes to battle at his/her own expense.1 Cor.9:7.If God has sent us any task he will provide all that is needed in His own way and time.

                The hands of God on Ezra 

God’s hand was on Ezra a scribe and a priest who also made up His mind to seek, do, and teach God’s word/laws 7:10 and this is imperative for a minister also important is the fact that he knew the aforementioned fact for sure. This was highlighted vividly in the book, some of which are 7:6,7:9,7:28,8:18 God’s hand upon you and your ministry? if yes are you doing things with this consciousness?

               The fear of the enemy in the way

Ezra was embarking on a godly journey, he had the support of King  Artaxerxes a world power at that time, and he had a fine array of God’s people with him, he also knew that the hands of God were upon him however he was still fearful of the enemy in the way(an/the enemy he hasn't seen), are we any better today?

However the good part of the fear is what the fear led him to do viz: he proclaimed a fast, sought God’s face 8:21.what a good result that the bad feeling/attitude of Ezra resulted unto.8:21-22.what does your own fear, anxiety cause you to do?

Dont go back to that King

The temptation to return to the king for what you have told the king that God (the king of kings) does when leading God’s people is high, how prepared are you and how are you preparing for periods when you will feel threatened/in need of support and feel pressured to go back to the king, are you already caught in the web and maybe entangled even on oath against righteousness,  peace, and joy? run back to Jesus, He is always willing to welcome us from any prodigal excursion. He can lead you to people but let Him have the wheel as He would also have gone ahead to prepare the person he sent you to.

Ezra thought of going back to the king we can also do so with the following way/method/approach: 

Going back to the world, bowing to its ways, manners, and pressure for supplies/provision especially when things are going south, and it's very difficult to survive, doing unwholesome, illegal, illicit things just to stay afloat. 1 John 2:15-17,2 Tim.4:10.

Going to/back to demons and demonic sources for valueless/vague powers. Acts 16:17 if the spirit/source is wrong the results/output can not be right.

Don’t ever make men/women your supplier, God uses men but maintain your focus on Him. Jer.17:5,Ps.24:1ff

Don’t lose sight/focus on God’s work in other to make ends meet, you can be a tent maker. Since He called He is faithful 2 Thess5:24,the Pauline model.

Negating our confessions,  sermons,  and strong beliefs of/in God because of our acts of fear of real or apparent enemies.Ps.23:4.

  Do not go back to any king,  always return to the king of kings. He is a present help in times of trouble Ps. 46:1-2.He knows all we are going through and He is a loving God, He will come through , He did it before He will do it again.


Saturday, 11 November 2023

Being different, making a difference by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


                                                  Text: Luke 23:44-53

Topic: Being different, making a difference

This will be done with the following sub-headings: 


Biblical account of Joseph of Arimathea

How to be different and make a difference


The focus of the book of Luke was to document the earthly life and ministry of Christ the biggest difference and difference maker of all time, Jesus was different  in all ways and made a difference, to make a difference in the order of Jesus we must be different, some incomparable irreplaceable difference about Christ:  

       His conception by the Holy Spirit                            Luke 1:35,Matt.1:18

       His composition is 100% God, 100% man.                 John 8:58,John 4:6

       His wisdom without rival                                        Matt.13:54,Mark 6:2

       His blood, shed for us                                             John 3:16,Eph.1:7

       His Purpose/Focus                                                John 4:34,Luke 22:42

Biblical account of Joseph of Arimathea 

A good and a righteous man                               vs.50

A member of the Jewish High Council                  vs.50

He didn’t agree with the evil conspiracy                 vs.51

Waiting for the Kingdom of God                         vs.51

What is the account of our life and stewardship, what can people and God give as an account of our life, family, business and even ministry? More importantly, are waiting for the kingdom of God which would be heralded by the rapture?

How to be different and make a difference 

Know Jesus and carry His spirit                                                    John 20:21

Jettison sinful/negative/attitudes and people                              1 Cor.15:33    

Be diligent                                                                                 John 5:17-18

Study and follow the lifestyle of those who are different           

Be a thinker and a doer

Be prayerful                                                                            1Thess.5:16-17                                     

God has made us and is expecting us to be different and make a difference in this decaying world.  

Saturday, 30 September 2023

Ending well by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


Text: 2 Chr.24:15-27

Topic: Ending well


The title will be considered with the following sub-headings


The house of God before Joash

Joash’s good works

His journey to an awful end

Questions to ponder on


Joash was a child of destiny, there are two kings of Gods people by that name one was king over Israel and the other over Judah, we are focused on the  eight king of Judah, his name in Hebrew means Jehovah- given, he was spared by grace from the onslaught of Athaliah, he was hidden for seven years in God’s house by Jehoiada’s family(the priest), he became king by God grace against the wishes of Athaliah who wanted ,plotted and moved to terminate all royal seed at that time(Who is it that sayeth a thing and it comes to pass….Lam.3:37), and at a tender age of seven, he was a leader of God’s people by grace just like you and I may God help us all to finish well and strong in Jesus mighty name.

The house of God before Joash 

During the reign of Jehoram as the king of Judah (the king that reigned before his (Joash) father), there is need to reiterate that Joash came from a lineage of wicked kings, there was so much iniquity in the land, great dimension was performed by the monarch which includes but not limited to:

v  Killed his own brethren (Athaliah latter repeated same feat) 2 Chr. 21:4

v  Continued in the old and wicked pattern of King Ahab vs.6 & 13

v  Led God’s people astray, making high places(idolatry), practicing and permitting fornication vs.11

Consequently, God did the following as judgement for his many sins

v  1.Plagued him with a disease that eventually killed him. Vs.15

v  2.Stirred up the philistines and Arabians who BROKE INTO the king’s house/ Lord’s house and LOOTED IT.2 Chr.21:17. We permit the devil to do all he can when our relationship with God is not intact.Prov.16:7.


What is the state of the house of God where you worship, can anything be done to make it better? What is the state of your relationship with God?  Are you keeping yourself pure as His temple?


Joash’s good works 

Joash had his good side/roles/deeds, let’s explore this:

v  1.He had a very good mind/spirit to repair the house of the Lord vs.4

v  2.He mobilised the persons and resources for the repair vs.5, Luke 14:28-29

v 3. He was zealous about it, resolute about it, followed up on this task especially with the leaders, who were to take responsibility but were dragging vs.6&9

v 4. He didn’t leave out the professionals at the right time, Masons and Carpenters vs.12

v 5. Ensured a good close for the work vs.13-14.

What attitude do we have for God’s house/thing/people? How do we feel when things/persons are going out of line? What problems are we solving with our God given positions/opportunities?


His journey to an awful end

At least two things can be linked to his embarking on an awful journey from which he never came back viz: The death of Jehoiada and the influence of some ungodly princes just like the friends of Rehoboam 1kings 12, may God help us to really grow in Him, know Him enough to be led by His spirit alone.Rom.8:14. some of the highlights of his inglorious journey:

v 1. He served grooves and idols and led God’s people to do same 2 Chr.24:18

v 2. He refused the voice of caution from God vs. 19

v  3.He conspired against the spirit of God and had the human vessel used of God killed Vs.20-21

v  4.God unseated him, His vast army was humiliated and defeated by a few Syrian enemy but he was too deaf to retrace his steps vs.23-24. He didn’t learn from the Israelite’s experience in Ai Joshua 8.

v  5.He was sick and eventually assassinated by his servants vs.25.


Questions to ponder on

v  Is it wrong for his discipler to have assisted him to become a king fulfilling God’s mandate over him or to have died at a very old age?

v  Do you have God given Discipler, have you gained any momentum through them?

v     Is there anyone serving God for your influence over them?

v  Are you maturing/matured enough to follow God with or without Discipler, are you teaching your disciples same

v  Can you identify negative influences/influencer and avoid them like plaque?

v  Are you also working on your personal altar/relationship with Christ and not just building for achievement/accolades/promotion amongst other sinister intentions?

v  What is Gods assessment of our works?



God bless you.




Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Scarcity to Surplus by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


Text: 2 Kings7:8-9,12-18

Scarcity to Surplus

The message will be considered with the following sub headings:

The failed attempt on Elisha

The besiege on Samaria

The prophetic decree

The leaping lepers

The Lord’s intervention


The failed attempt on Elisha

Conquering or/and being conquered is not a recent development, it may be decorated/feigned or disguised in today’s parlance but it does exist today, it was a commonplace also in the old testament era, the king Of Syria attempted this on the king of Israel but for Gods servant carrying His grace and deploying same, this was the succour on several instances.2 Kings 6:10. 

The understanding of the rationale behind his failed blitzes necessitated a manhunt for the prophet himself Vs.13, the King of Syria dispatched a high-powered attack against the prophet. The prophet wasn’t perturbed at all as he knows who he represents and he is also aware of His host dispatched to protect him Vs.16, Rom.8:31 he also employed the opportunity to train and pray for his Servant Vs.17. 

God helped him to overpower the attack.Vs.18ff.May God help us overpower/overcome all our attackers in Jesus mighty name. Amen. 

The besiege on Samaria

King of Syria was humiliated by God in the Prophet but he changed his attack strategy and victim instead of changing his mind totally and ceasing fire, he besieged the whole land, just in the similitude of the devil against God and all that are His, 1 Pt.5:8. The devil and his cohorts won’t change their purpose and mission statement for anyone: to steal, to kill and destroy. John 10:10. Submit to God and resist him, he will flee James 4:7.

The king besieged Samaria and this led to a serious dimension of famine that made women to begin to eat their children in turns Vs.26-29, a semblance of this besiege happened also in the scripture to Jericho Joshua 6:1 ff. Besiege could be physical, spiritual and so on may we be liberated from all forms and manners of besieges in Jesus mighty name.

The prophetic decree

The famine was severe, the king became more emotional than rational and attempted to kill who he has turned to for succour and should ordinarily do same even now, forgetting/neglecting/revolting against God’s past rescue through him.6:133ff.

The prophet was stirred by God’s spirit and he declared that there would be surplus next day 7:1ff. You have given authority from God what are you declaring over your life, business, education, career, family etc.

The leaping lepers

They were lepers but didn’t allow that limit their mind and life, they thought within themselves and made a positive/calculated move not minding their situation and not waiting for a pity party 7:3 they exclaimed why sit we here till we die. Even as a believer there is need to continue to add works, positive steps to our believe and prayers. James 2:18.

The Lord’s intervention

The Lord pursued the Syrian army with a noise too loud, huge, much and intimidating for them to handle they immediately fled without taking anything and Scarcity was turned into surplus as declared by God’s mouthpiece.

There is no almighty formula/one means/method fits all with God:

1.Matt.14:13 a short prayer of thanks and blessing and few bread and fishes fed thousands

2.Ps.78:26, Numbers 11:31 wind blew and brought quails that was sufficient for at least a million persons.

3.2 kings 7:6 God intimidated the Syrians and Surplus came.

He is the God of all flesh there is nothing impossible for Him to do, let’s say the following prayers with faith



1.Gen 4:12 the land was cursed and it doesn’t matter the quality of seed or technology involved the land wont yield anything for someone who was a farmer. My father, my maker any curse against surplus in my life and family the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth wipes them away in Jesus mighty name, cursed is anyone hung on the tree.

2.Lord let there be a rain of Surplus into my life in the order of Num.11:31

3.My spirit man receive liberty from all bondage, siege of Scarcity, be emboldened by the power and fire of the Holy Ghost.

4.I receive wisdom/ideas/skill/intelligence that will navigate surplus towards me. Mark 6:2, Ex.31:1ff

5.I receive solutions to problems and favour that will navigate Surplus to me Gen.41:38, Ex.3:21.




Saturday, 19 August 2023

Micaiah by Pastor Gbenga Aluko



Topic: Micaiah

The topic will be done with the following sub-headings:



King Jehoshaphat of Judah

Lessons from the Prophet Micaiah’s interaction in 1 kings 22



The Lord gave King Ahab of Israel great victories over king of Syria on two quick occasions in 1 Kings 20: in the Hills Vs.20 and in the valley vs.29. Affirming to the human mind that He is God anywhere and everywhere and disputing the belief of the Syrians that holds otherwise. It may suffice to say that there are two kings reigning over Gods chosen people: King Jehoshaphat of Israel and King Ahab of Judah

The referenced king repaid this grace by disobedience and also exhibiting his affinity/lust/covetousness for land/possessions Vs.34 and God was not happy with him at all Vs.43

As if that was not bad enough, he also coveted the vineyard of Naboth (land again) 1 King 21:1-2. and his unruly, wicked and godless wife plotted and killed Naboth just for his refusal to sell or give his inheritance to Ahab, God became angry with him again.1 Kings 21:21

May god give us wisdom and discipline to avoid all errors of King Ahab even as we lead His people in Jesus mighty name. Amen


According to the scripture he was the son of Imlah, according to scholars he was one of the disciples of Prophet Elijah, not the same as Prophet Micah. God used him greatly to warn the two kings, but more with King Ahab.

King Jehoshaphat of Judah 

He was a king of God’s people but went to visit/associate with the wrong person, the king of Israel:

1.Had an unbridled ambition for conquest and land: return all land and street in Damascus, Vineyard of Naboth, Ramoth Gilead etc.1 king.20:34,21:1-2,22:3

2.he had made God angry on several occasions

3.had over 400+ prophets who were cheap prey for lying spirit.

King Jehoshaphat was in alliance with someone God is angry with and were already plotting his downfall, are we any different?

May God help us to be discerning in our associations in Jesus mighty name.

Lessons from the Prophet Micaiah’s interaction in 1 kings 22 

1.Those who don’t like the truth knows those who speak it and when they speak it.1 kings22:15, John 17:17 study God’s word, believe it, live it, and teach it, it is the only pure truth.

2.Those who speak and live the truth (speaking and living God’s word) may suffer for it: Slap 1king 22:24, imprisonment 1king 22:27, God is with them and rewards them.

3.It doesn’t matter the guile/disguise the wicked cant escape the recompense of their deeds 1 kings 22:20,1kings22:34-35

4.He lied that the prophet doesn’t say anything good to and about him.1kings20:13ff, evil/wicked people forget/undermine/deny the good deeds/acts. content with who God made you, gifts he gave you, wife He gave you and all other things, you can’t have it all.




Saturday, 15 July 2023

God backs His messengers by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


Text:1 Kings 13:1-6

Topic: God backs His messengers

This topic will be considered with the following sub-headings:

The misbehaving king

The man of God from Judah

Reaction from the unrepentant king

God backing His messengers


The misbehaving king

King Jeroboam was enthroned by grace to a position he wasn’t naturally qualified for or never dreamt of, surprisingly he immediately wanted to maintain or secure by antics/schisms what grace gave to him as if God/grace had disappeared. 1 Kings 11:29-31,1 kings12:26. This a major source of problems and misbehaviors even in the ministry today, wanting to help God to keep what/whom/those He gave. Do not be caught in that delusional web or even seek demonic power to do the same, you can’t outsmart the devil. 


He then moved deeper and deeper into idolatry and apostasy by erecting more high places 12:30ff, God would not continue to condone sin and sinner, this is a wakeup call to us all, when/if we err, He expects us to be humble, confess and forsake our sins to continue to enjoy His grace. Rom.6:1,2 &23.


The man of God from Judah 

The army of Judah among the citizens was either bullied into silence, was not courageous but praying for him silently, or were partners in crime with King Jeroboam in his despicable acts but the lord was not deterred, He raised a man from Judah.

There are lots of scholarly postulations around the name and personality of the prophet with one of it saying he was IDDO although others disputed this, a vital lesson to be learnt here is that God doesn’t need a big name/title to carry out a great task, may He find us worthy of His tasks in Jesus mighty name Amen.

The prophet, however:

Cried against the altar                                                         vs.2 

Prophesied destruction against the altar and its priest         vs.2

Gave a sign from the Lord                                                  vs.3

Irrespective of who is involved in sin or sinful activity, God expects that we raise our voice in love (affirming that God loves everyone but only hates sin) against sin and sinners, underscoring the imminent destruction of the devil, sin and sinners in hell. John3:16-18


Reaction from the unrepentant king


The king was not sober at all, he called for the arrest of God’s mouthpiece/messenger and would probably have incarcerated him.

The world we live in is not any different, they have a way of planning psychological/spiritual arrest, slander, stigmatizing, killing, maiming, or plotting the downfall of those who speak for God (people do not like the truth just like Apostle Paul said Gal.4:16,2 Tim.4:4,2Tim.3:1-15, Amos 5:10, Prov. 9:7-9.) but the consolation in the words of Jesus is in John 8:29. As long as we continue to please Him, He is with us all the way hallelujah.

God backing His messengers


Two clear way that God backed His word from this prophet:

(a)   The sign he gave came to pass almost immediately vs.3 &5

(b)  God fought for him when he was about to be attacked vs.4

 The hand pointed to harm him became dry so shall all fingers pointed at us even as we continue to stay in and for Him and also stay vigilant in Jesus mighty name Amen.


The prophet was later deceived into disobedience and wasn’t spared at all by God 1 Kings 13: 24. may God help us to hold unto him and His world in this confusing and perilous times in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.

