Monday, 28 June 2021

God opened Hagar’s eyes by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


TEXT: Gen.21:15-19

Topic: God opened Hagar’s eyes

This will be discussed with the following sub-headings:



Abram and the departure of Hagar and Ishmael

Who was Hagar

God opened Hagar’s eyes for




Acts of the Apostle chapter number 10 documents the story of a Roman Army Officer who lived in Caesarea and the bible has the following to say about him: was devout, God fearing man, so was all members of his house, he gave generously to the poor this is a challenge to us today. God showed him a vision and in it he was told that his prayers and gifts to the poor are accepted and answered, may our prayers be answered in Jesus name. Amen. He was then instructed to send men to Joppa to the house of Simon the tanner for Simon Peter.


God at the same time visited Peter who was resting awaiting food to prepare him for an urgent but divinely orchestrated visit, Apostle Peter got two directives: not to call things that God has declared clean unclean, to get up and go with the men whom Cornelius sent. This lead us to a very sensitive point raised when Apostle Peter was going to address the house of Cornelius vs.34 for God is no respecter of persons this was also reiterated inn Rm.2:1. God heard Ishmael’s voice he is no respecter of persons, raises anybody to become somebody 1 Sam.2:8, Dan. 4 25ff humbles the proud king but keeps his throne because he is no respecter of persons. May God help us to continually align ourselves with Him as a sure way to avert His hammer because he is no respecter of person.


Abram and the departure of Hagar and Ishmael

v  Sarah as a result of Hagar’s behaviour cried to Abraham to send her(latter) and her son away. Gen21:9-10

v  Abraham was displeased with the idea Gen21:11(a call to us to be less drastic)

v  Abraham as his custom was (Gen11) surrender to God’s intervention and direction 21:12

v  He made provision for her and her son 21:14

Who was Hagar

v  She was Sarah’s Egyptian servant 16:1

v   The Mother of Abraham’s first son 16:11

v  She had a record of misbehaving to her boss without provocation 16:4,21:9 however God has this to bosses Eph.6:9 and to servants 1 pt.2:18.

v  She was a loving mother 21:6

God opened Hagar’s eyes for 

v  He is a merciful God, heard the cry of Ishmael vs.17

v  He had a good plan for him (Ishmael) vs18 same holds for all lovers of God 1 Cor.2:9

v  He was a seed of Abraham vs.13

v  All hope was lost vs.16, matt 19:26, Luke 1:37

v  To teach us many lesson part of which is solution to problems doesn’t always come from physical eyes/angle/propensity

NB our actions have consequences, albeit God forgives all actions that confession and repentance are made from, but he doesn’t most time remove the consequences. Gen16:12 is still troubling the world.


When God opened Hagar’s eyes she saw a well that doesn’t appear new and her son would have died of thirst if not for God’s intervention. When God opens our spiritual eyes it becomes very easy for us to be Godly and holy and fully align to things that are of God and brings eternal benefit, it is also opens us up to dimensions where we see solutions to all teething problems of our lives. May God open our spiritual eyes in Jesus mighty name. Amen.


Saturday, 19 June 2021

Spiritual growth by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


Text: Heb. 5:11-6:1, 2 Pet.3:17-18, Ekph. 4:14-15

This topic will be discussed with the following sub-headings:


What spiritual growth is not

What is Spiritual growth

Pointers to lack of growth

Growing Spiritually: the aid/catalyst/enablers



The book of Hebrews although has unknown/unspecified author is an organized sermon to the Jewish Christian community who was under Roman control but the book majorly warns against turning away from Christ, underscores the Superiority of Christ and the great and sacrificial death of Christ as a sacrifice for all sin.


A study of pretext of our main text Hebrew 5, Chapter 3 talks about the clear fact of Jesus’ supremacy over Moses Heb.3:2-4. Chapter 4 talks about the promises rest for God’s people Heb.4:1-2, the chapter ends by emphasizing Christ our High priest 4:14-15. This lesson continues in chapter 5 till verse 10 where the gear is switched to spiritual growth. May God help us to grow spiritually in Jesus mighty name. Amen.


What spiritual growth is not

1.It is not about age: Physical growth is cascaded and expected to be in sync with age but this is not always the same with spiritual growth. Heb. 5:12, a lot of people are growing old but not growing up.

2.It is not about achievements: accomplishments/achievements are desirable, applaud able and impressive but they are not necessarily shows/sign/dictates of a matured person. Not all big things are God’s things, not all that glitters are gold, Jesus our saviour was born in a manger, the commended offering by Jesus was just a widow’s mite. Mark 12:41-44, Luke 20:45-21:4

3.not about physical appearance: while it is wonderful to pass the eye test it is imperative/better to pass the Spirit/maturity test. God is more concerned with why we do things/our heart/intentions/motive for doing things than what is done.1 Sam16:6

4.Not Spiritual gifts/talents: it’s only the fruits of the Spirit that is really and practically useful on and for the vessel through whom it is operating, gifts of the spirit as useful and profound as they are, they are for the edification of the saints and a sign of an extension of God’s grace not a sign/show of maturity of the vessel.



What is Spiritual growth

Spiritual growth is the process of spiritual development and improvements towards the onerous goal of spiritual maturity, the bridge between spiritual infancy and maturity.Col.1:28-29. Also it is the gradual but consistent conformity to the Image, Person, Ideas and Values of Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour.2 Cor.3:8, Heb.12:2.


Pointers to lack of growth

1.Consistent backsliding:2 Cor. 5:17, to live in Christ some things must be sincerely gone for Christ sake and only living things grow someone who is still dead in His/her sin cannot grow.

2. Strife, dissensions and division: This are clearly a case of demonic attack Mark 3:25 all the case of belonging to Paul or Apollos won’t take us anywhere we are all of God 1 Cor.3:6   or a symptom of childishness especially of spiritual things.

3.Clear and consistent show of worldliness. We are in the world not of the world there must be some clear demarcations John 17:14.

4.Irresponsibility for or to anything/anyone: one clear definition of childishness is not responsible for: feeding, clothing, housing, any payment of bills is clearly not their concern even injuries done to them they only bear the pains. Ministers are not to hate anyone but when you see someone with such tendency just classify them” people who have refused to grow spiritually”

5.Arrival mentality: people who are not yielding to any teaching/correction/instruction, they know more than everybody. Phil.3:13, Apostle Paul asserting that he does not count himself to have arrived.


Growing Spiritually: the aid/catalyst/enablers


1.It starts from the heart with a determination/decision &desire to grow 1 Pt 2:2

2.Correct Nutrition: balanced diet/dosage of God’s word, anointed books/films/songs inspired by God and delivered by His trusted hands.Matt.4:4

3. Prayer and fasting: Prayer raises one’s spiritual level, alertness in the spirit, it gives access to the deep things of God, it gives stamina to engage the devil and His cohorts.Matt.17:21

4. Infilling and refilling of and by the Spirit.

5.Quality and consistent quiet time

6.Godly associations with people who are growing.


God wants us to grow just as it is the prayer of every farmer for His crops, parent to children little wonder Jesus cursed the tree because it didn’t bring out what was expected of it at that time. Mark 11:14.