Thursday, 6 December 2018


TEXT: PSALM 106:6-15(KJV)


                                 The study will be done under the following subheadings:

What is leanness?
Why was leanness sent?
Our physical outlook does not depict our spiritual state/status or our relationship with God, neither does our attendance or the position we occupy even in the church do, God knows and relates with us appropriately.2 Tim 2:19, Rev 3:20.
God is fully concerned about the totality of man and has great plans for us (Body, Soul & Spirit) John 3:16, 3 John 2, He is however more concerned on the soul/spirit component of man as this is the control room of man (Matt.12:34, Prov.4:23, Luke 6:45) and also does not die but will end its voyage ultimately in heaven or hell. Heb 9:27, 2 Cor 5:10, 1 Sam 16:7 hence He beckons to occupy the soul Prov. 23:26, Deut. 4:29, Matt. 16:26, Matt 22:37.
The topic and psalm in focus refers to the children of Israel (God’s special children) who experienced leanness of their soul as a result of their usual misbehavior, may God grant to us grace and will to continually please Him so as to enjoy fatness on all front (body, soul and Spirit) and at the end reign with Christ in Jesus name. Amen.

The word is from the English word lean and this means without much flesh or fat.
For this study and in line with the passage, we will adopt the following:
*      Removal of spiritual values/virtues and nutrients and consequently profit/productivity from effort/labour and all endeavours Hag.1:6-7
*      Removal of the God factor/presence. Jud. 16:20, 1 Sam. 16:1&14.

The children of Israel had leanness sent to them by God for the following reason:

*      Understood not God verse 7 & 13
*      Remembered not His great deeds verse 7
*      Did not wait on God verse 13
*      Lusted exceedingly (tested God) verse 14, Ps. 78:18.

They were out of Egypt but Egypt but Egypt still lives in them practically, they could not let go of the past for a glorious future that God has for them, and they even despised God’s provision are we any better today?

 All leanness (as defined for this study) have solutions now (Coming reverentially, submissively and prayerfully to God 2 Chr.7:14) but there is a leanness that will not have solution. (Where God factor/presence/covering and person will be totally absent for ever).Avoid it at all cost NOW by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and continue to live a sanctified life. Matt. 25:41, Rev.21:27.

Friday, 16 November 2018


(pictures Shusan in Modern day Iran) 

The message will be studied under the following sub headings:
·         Introduction to the book of Esther
·         The man Mordecai
·         The place called Shushan
·         The lessons from Mordecai.

Brief about the book of Esther

Book of Esther, is named after the main subject Esther. By the Jewish tradition the book is read on the festival of Purim (which is still celebrated by the Jews till today one month after the Passover), which commemorates the rescue of the Jews from Haman’s plotting’s (a move similar to Hitler’s holocaust).(Hitler’s holocaust although killed about six million Jews but to the glory of God no Jews was killed in Shushan at this time).

 The Book of Esther is one of the Megillot, (five scrolls read on stated Jewish religious holidays). The five Scrolls are the Song of Songs, the Book of Ruth, the Book of LamentationsEcclesiastes and the Book of Esther.

The book purports to explain how the feast of Purim came to be celebrated by the Jews. Esther, the beautiful Jewish wife of the Persian king Ahasuerus (Xerxes I), and her cousin Mordecai persuade the king to retract an order for the general annihilation of Jews throughout the empire. The massacre had been plotted by the king’s chief minister, Haman, and the date decided by casting lots (Purim).

 Instead, Haman was hanged on the gallows he built for Mordecai, and, on the day planned for their annihilation, the Jews destroyed their enemies. According to the Book of Esther, the feast of Purim was established to celebrate that day.

 The secular character of the Book of Esther (the divine name is never mentioned although His act and hand was felt) is still a subject of discussion in bible circles, the book has ten chapters.

The Man Mordecai

Biblical Meaning: The name Mordecai means: Contrition, bitter, bruising’. Hebrew Meaning: The name Mordecai means: Warrior. Follower/worshipper of Marduk (Babylonian deity).Mordecai resided in Susa (Shushan or Shoushan). He was exiled from Jerusalem to Babylon under king Nebuchadnezar.


Susa (/ˈsuːsə/Šuš[ʃuʃ]Hebrewשׁוּשָׁן ŠušānGreek: Σοῦσα [ˈsuːsa],  one of the most important cities of the Ancient Near East. Susa is also mentioned in the name Shushan, mainly in Esther, but also once each in Nehemiah and Daniel. According to these texts, Nehemiah also lived in Susa during the Babylonian captivity of the 6th century BCE (Daniel mentions it in a prophetic vision), while Esther became queen there, married to King Ahasuerus, and saved the Jews from genocide. However, a large portion of the current structure is actually a much later construction dated to the late nineteenth century, it is in the present day Iran which is in Asia.
See diagram beneath.
Ø    He adopted his orphaned (helpless) cousin and brought her up as if she were His daughter: Esther 2:7. What is our attitudes towards helpless people around us see the following for further illustrations. (a) Potiphar’s wife and Joseph Gen 39:7-20 (b) Laban and Jacob Gen 31:28-41(twenty years works changed wages 10 times). (c) Ruth and Boaz Ruth 3:7-15.
Ø    He wanted the best for her and gave her the platform and also followed up: Esther 2:8-11
Ø    He was vigilant and upright: Esther 2:21-23
Ø    He was instrumental to the deliverance of the Jew from extermination Esther 4:13-ff
Ø    With God and a collective effort, A feast was raised which is still in force till today( feast of Purim)Esther 9:20 ff
Ø    The Lord fought for him. Esther 5:14 ff
Ø    He was promoted in a strange land to second in command another Joseph story. Esther 6:1-10.10:1-3.

### 1 Cor 13:9 for we know in part ……###
### Raising royal army for Christ 1 Sam 2:8 ###
 God is the raiser ….

                                                       ### Facebook: freshlogosexperience ###
### Blog: ###
### Spirit and Life John 6:63 ###
### +2348061174980 ###

Susa is located in Iran
Shown within Iran
Approximately 4200  BCE
1218 CE
Site notes
In ruins

References :

Wednesday, 7 November 2018


TEXT: ISAIAH 40:29, PSALM 89:21


Satan is a trader: he doesn’t give anything for free, he only exchanges things for things Job 2:4 says and Satan answered the Lord and said skin for skin yea all that a man hath will he give for his life. He persuaded Adam and eve and exchanged the presence and the life of God for a fruit Gen 3:5, He offered the glory of the world (the original owner of the heavens and earth Psalm 24:1) in exchange of worship Matt 4:9, he offers sin to all of us today in exchange for heaven Matt 25:54 please beware he has no strength to offer.

Meaning of strength
The English advanced dictionary defines strength as what makes someone able to do something or the quality of being strong.
For this purpose strength can be defined as divine: capacity, enablement, finger and backing. Like what Elijah had in a divine meal that he went with it for forty days 1 kings 19:8 which says And he arose and did eat and drink and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights unto Horeb the mount of God. What a meal?
Why do we need God’s strength?

Our strength is limited will often fail us: we will often see or come in contact with what is beyond our human strength. David had been a warrior he had killed very dangerous animals and kept safe the sheep of his father in the wild and crude jungle of the then world for a while but most times especially when in deep distress he prayed to God: when confronted with Goliath 1 Sam 17:45, when running away from his own son 2 Sam 15:31, when plundered by the enemies 1 Sam 30:8.

To do God’s work/will: to do God’s word/work we need His strength, Act 1:1-4 Jesus specifically told His disciples not to depart Jerusalem until they are endued from above. The flesh is borne of sin but when His spirit and strength comes we become reengineered and reconfigured by and for Him.  

His strength is ever present (doesn’t fail): most human fail especially when there’s need from them but our God is reliable psalm 46:1 says God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble. Have you been disappointed in the past try God. Dan 3:16-17 says if it be so our God whom we serve is ABLE to DELIVER us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thine hand o king.

God does not share His glory: God will only do great things through you so he can take all the glory, He doesn’t share his glory, and he will not take glory for what you did. Isaiah 42:8 says I am the Lord that is my name and my glory will I not give to another neither my praise to graven images.
How to access God’s strength

Be a child of God: Matt 15:26 says but he answered and said ,it is not meet to take the children’s bread and cast it to dogs. You have to be sincerely born again to get what’s God’s.

Ask for it: Matt 7:7 says ask and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. God is willing and waiting to release unto us whatever we request in line with His word, purpose and time the onus is on us to ask. 


### 1 Cor 13:9 for we know in part ……###
### Raising royal army for Christ 1 Sam 2:8 ###
 God is the raiser ….
                                                       ### Facebook: freshlogosexperience ###
### Blog: ###
### Spirit and Life John 6:63 ###
### +2348061174980 ###

Monday, 5 November 2018


TEXT: JOHN 4:3-24

The topic will be considered under the following sub-headings:

Jesus in the passage
Features of worship in the spirit
Wrong perceptions about worship

Sacha in Hebrew means worship
Ruach in same language means spirit

When put together it means worship spirit /spirit worship better still worship that is done in the spirit.

Ø  We were created for worship: Rev 4:11 says thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honour and power for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created. We were created to worship God, our ushering, teaching, singing, pastoring are all activities that should be geared towards the worship of God. Anything outside the worship of God is living out of radar and scope/essence.
Ø  God calls for our worship: Psalm 150:6 says let everything that has breadth praise the Lord! Praise ye the Lord. God did not only create us for worship but demands we worship Him, little He said in Luke 19:40 which says And He answered and said unto them I tell you that if these(talking to some human beings) should hold their peace the stone would cry out. One only looks for alternatives for what one needs hence the speech and Jesus indirectly telling the woman at the well GIVE ME A DRINK and He is telling us same today.
Ø   Only God is worthy of our worship: Act 14:14-15a says which when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of( a plot to have sacrifice done unto them for God raising a man who had been cripple from birth) they rent their clothes and ran in among the people crying out and saying Sirs why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you. Only God deserves and commands our worship, humans deserves courtesy not worship. God does not share His glory neither His praise
Ø  Not all worship are in the spirit: if this were not so the statement of Christ would have been invalid John 4:24 which says God is spirit and they that will worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth. Here are some of the worship that are not in the spirit:
(a)   Worship that is just on the lips Matt 15:8, Is 29:13 which says this people draw unto me with their mouth and honoureth me with their lips but their heart is far from me.
(b)   Worship that doesn’t have Jesus at the Centre.
(c)    Worship by the gentiles: Prov. 15:8 says the sacrifices (physical sacrifice being Old Testament way of worship) of the wicked is an abomination unto the Lord. 2 Tim 2:19 says nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal the Lord KNOWETH THEM THAT ARE HIS. John 10:27 says my sheep hear my voice and I know them. Any worship from someone not saved and broken is just showmanship, can’t be in the spirit because the spirit is given to those who belong to the family of Jesus not strangers.

Jesus in the passage
Ø  He was in transit: verse 3 left Judea enroute Galilee but wasn’t only concerned about His journey or the assignments attached to His destination He wasn’t too busy for others, He was led and submitted to the Spirit of God.
Ø  He didn’t discriminate: even as God the all-knowing, knowing the past of the woman, He interacted (as against the norm) and presented the gospel to her verse 7 & 10.
Ø  He was wearied and hungry: verse 6, 31 even in this state He was still focused on His father’s business, the scriptures in tandem with this says 2 Cor 12:9a says and he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. He practically placed the flesh under control
Ø  He ministered to her: verse 10 & 16.

Features of worship done in the spirit

Ø  It starts with the knowledge of God: verse 10, John 4:24 says God is spirit…. we can’t worship well what we do not know or in the spirit if we do not know God.
Ø  A thirst /yielding and submission is required :verse 15
Ø  It is the only form of worship that is acceptable by God: verse 24.
Ø  It is powered by God. Verse 24.
Ø  It is the birthplace of miracles. 4:14.

Perceptions about worship

Ø  Well is deep: verse 11 some are of the opinion that worship that is in the spirit is for angels and beyond human comprehension or capacity. a line in CACGHB 76 in the Yoruba language corrects this stance where it says be lawa eda re niwon talase ao ma juba re ao ma yin o meaning also we human within our capacity we will worship and praise you.
Ø  Nothing to draw: like the Samaritan woman thinking Living water can come out of physical well in verse 11 some are also of the opinion that sophisticated temple, musical notations or instrumentation or specially made robe are required for a worship in the spirit, A broken heart based on the knowledge of both who God is, what He has done and a connected spirit even in the lowest of places can worship in the spirit.
Ø  Art thou greater than our fathers: verse 12, the kind of worship that is our concern which deals with eulogizing God with songs, especially that which is done in the spirit is a spiritual exercise and not subjected to our man made process and proceedings which some of us uphold even above the Spirit which is God and even the word of God which is God himself. God is clearly not an author of confusion but His Spirit is at the helms of the affairs that concerns worship in the spirit and not our laws.  


### 1 Cor 13:9 for we know in part ……###
### Raising royal army for Christ 1 Sam 2:8 ###
 God is the raiser ….
                                                       ### Facebook: freshlogosexperience ###
### Blog: ###
### Spirit and Life John 6:63 ###
### +2348061174980 ###