Friday 20 September 2024

Discernment in the Ministry of Apostle Paul: a great lesson for Ministers by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


                              Text:  Acts 16:16-19,1 Cor. 12:10, Heb. 5:14 

Discernment in the Ministry of Apostle Paul: a great lesson for Ministers

The topic will be done with the following sub-headings: 


What is discernment

The Lord calls and adorns His ministers

The Apostles enroute prayer

The Spirit of Discernment


Acts 16:16-19 (KJV)

1And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:

17 The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.

18 And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour.

19 And when her masters saw that the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drew them into the marketplace unto the rulers, 


Chapter sixteen of the book Acts of the Apostles starts out with the introduction of Timothy and some things were noted from there viz: The location Derbe an Lystra (unfortunately somewhere in modern day Turkey), Parents of Timothy, their tribe(Jewess and a Greek), the fact that He had a good report amongst brethren, the sacrifice he had to make for his ministry to be without disrepute or reproach ( going through the Jewish rites of circumcision) and the fact that he became a disciple of Apostle Paul. What sacrifice have we made and are we making for our ministry, ministry is not a bed of roses, please keep on keeping on, do not be tired man/woman of God, God sees, will glorify Himself at the end of it all, and would reward appropriately and ultimately, what report do people have about us? it may affect our ministry and ministrations, lets learn from Timothy. Who is our discipler?

Acts 16:1-3 (King James Version)

16 Then came he to Derbe and Lystra: and, behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timotheus, the son of a certain woman, which was a Jewess, and believed; but his father was a Greek:

Which was well reported of by the brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium.

Him would Paul have to go forth with him; and took and circumcised him because of the Jews which were in those quarters: for they knew all that his father was a Greek.

We also see God in action: establishing the faith of the converts and increasing them, may this be our experience even as we walk with and work for our Master in Jesus mighty name. Amen

What is discernment

Discernment of spirits is a spiritual practice that involves noticing and interpreting the movements of the soul, and identifying their source and direction. Ai overview extracted 07092024.

According to, “The spiritual gift of discernment is also known as the gift of “discernment of spirits or “distinguishing between spirits.”  The Greek word for the gift of discernment is Diakrisis. The word describes being able to distinguish, discern, judge, or appraise a person, statement, situation, or environment.

Discernment especially as it relates to ministry (which is our area of interest) is the ability to recognise the influences of God, the world/flesh , and that of Satan even in actions and inactions. Knowing clearly who/what powers action, deeds and even at times silence and thoughts. What has been powering our actions/inactions off and on the pulpit? What about those who labour alongside us or the people cheering us like the case in study?

The Lord calls and adorns His ministers 1 Cor. 9:7,Acts 1:4

1 Corinthians 9:7 (King James Version)

Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock?

Acts 1:4(King James Version)

And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me.

Acts 1:4 clearly explains the instruction that Jesus clearly gave the disciples whom he had chosen earlier now on the need to be endued before setting out even on the task they have been trained and called for, hope we didn’t just jump out without training or without empowerment ? it is a time bomb to do either of the two or both.

1 Cor.9:7 in perspective means: ( 1 )those who serve in God’s army have a need to be maintained by the church and the force headquaters in heaven ( 2 )in line with Pauline, even with this rights those who are strong can jettison this as God blesses, directs and provides for them, ( 3 ) Gods adorns His minister and the spirit of discernment is an important gift God adorns His ministers with, have we prayed and tarried and graced for our portions already?

The Apostles en-route prayer

The apostles were on the way to pray when the devil presented the possessed slave who was camouflaging as a spirit-filled person, her actions were:

A distraction to the prayer-bound Apostles (watch out for people and things always on the way to spiritual assignments/fortification)

Worthless/demonic praise singing and hyping like it is done even in some churches today

A cover- up of sinister motive/source

Wanting a seal/endorsement of the apostles and their followers, their acceptance of her claims in a way lends same credence that the apostles have on this demonaic lets watch out.

The spirit of Discernment

This is an important endowment of God that is very important for all children of God and more importantly the ministers for the following reasons amongst several others:

So that we wont praise who should be rebuked,placed on watch list or simply sent for deliverance in the order of Apostle Paul.

We would not be misled in Gods name 1 kings 13 the story of the young prophet

we would avert creation of problems for ourselves, co labourer and other ministers after us by putting people with familiar spirit and unrepentant church attendee who are often- time problem/mischief generators in positions.

It would make us worthy  and accurate watchmen and intercessors for God’s flock.

It is a defence for us, family ,profession and ministry.

  Conclusively: Discernment is the gift of the Holy Spirit and depends and is powered by the latter for its effective work, this once again underscores the dire need for those who will represent God well to carry and continually be filled by and with the spirit of God THE HOLY SPIRIT.

When we genuinely pray and wait for Him, God will give us, this grace can also be extended to us when we involve in the studios and spirited study of the word, the inspiration behind the writing and backing the word can jump on us, then by association and impartation. It is better to wait and be better equipped  facilitating and easy ride than rush and fail, or struggle through or worse still die without fulfilling the task, may we receive wisdom to wait for this important gift of God.






Friday 9 August 2024

Gleaning from the fathers from Pastor S O Oladele


                                                         Text: Gen.32:1-2(NKJV)

Gleaning from the fathers 3 (SOTS)

Topic: Mahanaim (by Pastor S.O Oladele President CAC Nigeria and Overseas)


The president began by appreciating everyone whom God used in one form or another for that August occasion and by large everyone present in that program, it is customary for him to appreciate people, do we appreciate people too, and not only God.

The message was delivered recently in faraway Canada in an apostolic visit by our Father in the Lord the president of our beloved church CAC Nigeria and Overseas.

He gave a brief reference to today’s CAC Living Water do we still have time even as ministers to study the bible, our devotional, and pray? Acts 6:4

He gave a background stating the circumstances that Jacob had a great beginning that promises went way ahead of Him but had to flee his place of birth and from the rage of His brother Esau because he was cunny, crafty, and wanted to achieve divine ends/purpose by human deceptive tendencies and behaviours, are we any better? Grab it/hijack it and run away with it.

He stated clearly that Jacob was a man of promise and great destiny but hastily resorted to scheming and shenanigans instead of holding on to God and waiting on Him and His promises that don’t fail. Are we not tired of waiting too and planning our way into divine fulfilment?

He however got the blessings that he desperately sought but this didn’t come without some consequences one of which was to elope away not minding the encroaching and accompanying dangers and death, what is the purpose/us of a so-called blessing that can't be enjoyed?Prov.10:22

He stated succinctly that faith doesn’t struggle, and by struggle, he means attempting to help our faith/prayer to achieve what we have prayed for especially employing ungodly/unholy means/actions. Jesus spoke that will He meet faith on earth Luke 18:1ff, He meant the waiting faith on Jesus Christ alone. He prayed that when we have knocked on the door of Christ may we not knock on any other door in Jesus' mighty name.

He stated that Jacob had seen the face of his father, his uncle but at Peniel, He saw the face of God. He stated that despite Jacob's several misdeeds and misbehavior God still showed him mercy underscoring that our God is merciful. MAY WE SEE THE FACE OF GOD AND DO THAT CONTINUOUSLY IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME.

He stressed that if we don’t stop struggling, God may not hesitate to break our leg just like He did for Jacob whose leg was his undoing, ran ahead of Esau to get the blessing through venison, he ran ahead of Laban amongst his other schemes. why not stop struggling/Schemes today.

He stated clearly that no one can change our God-given, heaven-ordained destiny as long as we are in and of God, people may yield themselves to be used by the devil to put impediments/blockages/hindrances in our way or even become a stoppage themselves, He posited that every day and everywhere we would meet people who wouldn’t wish us well but we must not be deterred, God will make good His good will/purpose. WE DON’T LIVE BY STRUGGLE BUT WE LIVE BY PRAYER AND PROVIDENCE.

Even in Jacob's circumstance of fear, God sent His angel to him, to give him help in his situation of helplessness, The president also identified two camps in the passage the camp of Jacob known for helplessness, fear, and hopelessness( his works, weaknesses and evil deeds are enough to make him fear) and the camp of God known for hope/help/support at all times, then the place had a name Mahanaim.

He exemplified the Christian coat of arm as having symbols of sheep, dove, eagle, and lion, he stated that we are to exemplify these diverse traits as being innocently led, being harmless/gentle, flying away at high altitude, especially from troubled spots, and at times affirm/exert the lion of the tribe of Judah in us, stay and face the enemies. Jer.51:20-23,Prov.28:1

He then charges that as Children of God, we should not be afraid but be full of faith that it is high time we looked away from our camp into God’s camp and it will be well with us in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.

He charges on the need to see the visions of angels other days of the week and this will facilitate our seeing angels on Sunday that the best place and opportunity to display our Christian faith is in the market and wicked places of this life and world.

There is help, rest, hope, and nutrients are all available for us at Mahanaim but there is a need to be an ambassador of peace as Jacob couldn’t access all the great things he did before he made a covenant of peace with Esau. Walk in the will of God to enjoy all that is His.



1. Let us pray for our Father in the Lord that God will continue to increase Him in wisdom, grace, and all of God in Jesus' mighty name, He will end well in Jesus' mighty name.

2. Lets pray that God will give us great faith in Him alone.


Tuesday 18 June 2024

out of the way through strong drink by Gbenga Aluko


                                                         Text: Isaiah 28:1-9

Topic: out of the way through strong drink

( a message delivered to a platform made up of ministers of the gospel , please do not continue if you are not one by grace. Thank you for your sincerity)


This study will be done with the following sub-headings:


Their sins

God’s judgement and Salvation



Isaiah, a servant of God who exhibited the gift of prophecy, according to scholars he proclaimed God’s message from 742 to 687 BC, the main theme of his message was to underscore God’s power and control over the nation of Israel, their foes and friends alike and by extension all nations of the world. He therefore spoke extensively on holiness as a prerequisite to enjoy walking with and enjoying the display of His power and splendour. He was a messenger who spoke the truth unadulterated to the Israelites that their main undoing was the SIN and not the king of Assyria or other power blocks that had ravaged or wanting to wrestle, exploit or plunder them. What is the source/content of our message(s) today? Isaiah spoke for the Lord.

Their sins

Two major issues although with other possible overtures/offspring were mentioned in the passage of study, talking originally to the Ephraim tribe and these are:

Pride                     vs.1,3

Drunkenness         vs.1,3,7

It needs to be noted that God blessed His people with abundance but they made the blessings/abundance a fuel for their lust, they brutally engaged in pride and drunkenness. What do we do today with God-given positions, access, privilege and blessings, are we any better than the Ephraimites?  

It is a serious source of concern that Judah was also engrossed in the same dance of shame like other Israelites, in the same vein it is a sad news when prophets/ministers are drunk in sins, kindly note that ministerial sins are somewhat hard to detect/believe and correct, this is because of perceived of feigned holiness by status.

God’s judgement and Salvation

Although the message came before-hand for them to make needed adjustments but they didn’t and God had to judge them:

Their beauty/glory actually failed and faded    vs.1

They were led into captivity.

May we not go into exile/captivity before we repent of all known sins in Jesus mighty name, but we must do more than just say Amen.

God will not be angry with His people forever, He is a loving God/father John 3:16 however the residue will He make to radiate glory one more time and He will also provide strength and stability to the remnant and every repented sinner. vs.5-6



Going through the self-caused damage of Judah vs.7 two things are succinct amongst other VISION AND JUDGEMENT derailed by strong drink.

These two could be a yardstick to measure our ministerial productivity from God’s perspective. VISION: God’s will revealed Prov.29:18,2 Peter1:19-21 do we still see fresh things from God’s word? Does God still reveal things to us by His spirit in tandem with His words?

JUDGEMENT: administration of God’s law and God’s people, can our choices and decisions be followed without reservations, are our choices/ decisions not lacking in understanding/wisdom, not entrenched in greed/self or entirely the old man? Deut.17:9-11.

Just as strong drink blurs vision and judgement so sin blurs vision and judgement, let us amend our ways, our Judah should know and do better, may we receive grace in Jesus mighty name. Amen.  







Tuesday 21 May 2024

Stopping spiritual oppression by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


Text: ECSS 4: 1-2, Luke 13:11-16, Acts 10:38

Topic: Stopping spiritual oppression 

The study will be done with the following sub-headings

What is oppression

Forms of oppression

Oppression from the passage

Some common manifestations of spiritual oppression

Stopping spiritual oppression

What is oppression

To oppress is to exploit, mistreat, burden, afflict, inflict someone/group of people with unpalatable situations and experiences, making life, situation, achievements, progress, success hard or impossible for someone/ some people.

Just as the bible clearly defines the devil’s mission statement in John 10:10 as to steal, kill and destroy these he does without taking consent from the person or group of persons involved hence he is always oppressive of his preys, dealing with/doing things to them against their will and plan/pursuit, may God open our eyes and give us wisdom/grace to refuse to be one of his victims in Jesus mighty name Amen.

Forms of oppression

There are several forms of oppression we would however explore some of them:

Spiritual oppression: one would think its only Job that had Oxen and Donkeys that drew the attention of the Sabeans who took all that are his or why did fire burn all his sheep at almost same time  also the Chaldeans raided his Camel and strong wind killed all his children, all this happened the way they did because most often than not oppression are first spiritual before it manifests physically if they ever have physical manifestation/symptoms. Job 1:8ff, albeit with the permission of God job’s calamity was entirely rooted in the spirit with mind blowing physical manifestation, clearly there was never a time that the devil came physically to any of the scene of his calamity even though as he was behind all of it.

Physical oppression: Goliath and the Israelites under Saul 1 Sam. 17:16

Personal oppression: Gen 16:1ff Hagar was introduced to the Husband of her boss by her boss but the story changed immediately she became pregnant and misbehaved, although she really got more than she bargained for, that made her to run away even without a plan or adequate provisions for survival when she couldn’t bear the oppression.

Family oppression: 2kings 4:1ff details an account of a woman widowed as if that was not bad enough had creditors were ready to take her two sons as slaves to cover for her exposure to them. Thank God her husband was a son to a prophet not only that, he feared the Lord and God came through for them and turned around a situation that would have been best described as a family oppression. Serving God and fearing Him will always be a plus even against spiritual oppression, do you really fear God with the way you live your life publicly and privately?

National oppression: The Israelites in: Egypt Ex.1-12, Babylon 2Kings 24-25. The Israelites experienced different levels of oppression from different people the Egyptians and Babylonian experience are mere samples. May God deliver our country from direct and indirect, international and internal oppressions in Jesus mighty name Amen.

Oppression from the passage of focus 

The following are some of the things that be seen in the passage ECSS. 4:1-2:

1.       Oppression is real on earth/under the sun

2.       Tears in the eyes of the oppressed

3.       The Oppressed can have no comforter

4.       There is power on the side of the oppressed.

Don’t be an oppressor or join in oppression, it is really harmful, painful and teary and God will answer for the oppressed when he/she runs to Him don’t kick against the prick. Is.49:25-26, Zeph.3:19-20, Ps. 9:9. May God empower us more than our oppressors in Jesus mighty name. Amen.     

Some common manifestations of spiritual oppression

1.       Sin is both a manifestation and a cause of oppression John 5:14ff

2.       Unexplainable delay/retrogression

3.       Consistent backwards/suppressing dream/ sex in dreams

4.       Sicknesses that defies medical explanation Matt.5:26

5.       Low or no results while great, informed and directed effort is being exerted/expended

6.       Loss of all that one has worked for in quick and unreasonable succession.    

7.        Loosing spiritual flame, dwindling time of prayer, devotion stamina and love for the house and things of God.

8.       Not wanting to get help from anyone including God and His trusted servants when even under attack

Stopping spiritual oppression

James 4:7 clearly tells us how to approach the devil and his works, the first segment is to submit to God, be His child, acknowledge that all powers belongs to Him Matt. 28:18, close all the gates that the enemy might have, and trust in  in His power to save and deliver 1 John 3:8.Then resist the devil and all his works, to resist involves some work in prayers and sometimes in fasting, deploying the name, the blood, the fire of the holy ghost amongst others, appropriating the victory we already have.  Don’t backdown, never surrender to fate rather submit to God then resist the devil he will flee. Hallelujah  

Say this word of prayer every seed /arrow of oppression working against me catch fire and burn to ashes in Jesus mighty name  








Saturday 4 May 2024

Being rooted and grounded in love by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


                                                  Text: Ephesians 3:11-19

Topic: Being rooted and grounded in love.

The teaching will be done with the following sub-headings:



Revealed Mysteries

Strengthened by His Spirit

Rooted and grounded in Love


Apostle Paul during his third missionary journey spent about three years in Ephesus ( a town in modern-day Turkey) establishing a body of believers in the city and this group blossomed by grace Acts19:1-20:1, the book was initially addressed to those body of believers.

The book is one of the four prison epistles of Paul the others being Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. Although the book wasn’t written to correct any major anomaly or error it clearly portrays amongst others the salient point that God: reconciled men to Himself through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 2:1-10, He also reconciled men to themselves 2:11-22 and placed everything under the control of Christ.1:10.

Are you reconciled to Christ? If the answer is in the affirmative then it should not be a difficult task to be reconciled with anyone should there be a rift.

Revealed Mysteries 3:3

This heading is a sort of oxymoron which means two opposite/opposing words placed beside each other to form a phrase. While revealed means to make known to others, mystery means something difficult or impossible to understand.

Apostle Paul in his writing to the Ephesians spoke about Mysteries in the portion referenced, The writings of the book of Ephesians amongst very few other books are flooded with mysteries that were revealed to the human vessel by God.

Godly mysteries are not entirely a function of research, copied, not characterized by high-sounding technicality, or garnished with fluid grammatical prowess as pictured in recent parlance but are simply contacted by revelations or encounters made available by God.

Which/What revelations/encounters have you had through/from God? God still gives revelations, and people are still having encounters with God pant, cry, and wait for yours before you launch out on that project/journey/ministry.

Revelations are not only for ministerial accomplishment although the latter is not possible without the former in and by God’s method. e.g. Moses, Gideon, Apostle Paul, etc. Revelations and encounters are needed for all-around fulfillment. The following people had encounters/revelations not for ministry in the scriptures:

( a ) Isaac: to have bountiful harvest even in difficult times Gen.26:2,12-14

( b ) Jacob: to escape the wickedness/enslavement of his relative Gen.28:13-15,31:7-12,42.

( c ) Joseph: He knew God’s plan for his life Gen. 37, provided meaning for the troubled dreamers( butler and the baker) in the prison which catapulted him to his destiny too.Gen.40:5-13,41:9ff.

There is a need for this three basic knowledge as revealed in the scriptures:

1. God is Love                                  1 John 4:8

2. made all men in His Image     Gen 1:26ff (irrespective of their outcomes/choices and affiliations

3. Love is a commandment              Matt.22:37.

Strengthened by His Spirit 

Humanly speaking it is challenging to love some people as they are bile or wicked or possessed or all of the above ( please don’t be in this group) this doesn’t however remove or reduce the weight of Jesus’ summary of the ten commandment and other scriptures where we were told to love even our enemies. Luke 6:32-36,Matt.5:44-45,John 3:16. 

The above situation captures another need for the spirit of God, His presence is not only for warfare but to aid us to follow Him and His words,  are we continually yielding to the infilling of the Spirit and His lordship over our lives and actions/inactions. 

He is a spirit of love 2 Tim.1:7, love is one of the fruit of the spirit Gal.5:22-23,God is love, God is Spirit John 4:24, love is therefore more spiritual than physical.

Rooted and grounded in love

Following the subheadings we have highlighted above, the first condition to being rooted in love is to be completely reconciled with Christ which points to our Salvation and sanctification, If we are truly saved and are of God then we will be loving and continue to grow in love just like our father who is love.

Secondly, our understanding of the position and revelations of the scriptures will be our guide and broaden our horizon on the all-important and sacrosanct nature of love.

And finally, we would long for more of His spirit to help us overcome the flesh which is a major hindrance to love. May God grant to us the grace to love Him and others genuinely in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.














Thursday 4 April 2024

When the Ministry is a blessing by Pastor Gbenga Aluko


                                                             Text:   Psalm 65:1-4

Topic: When the Ministry is a blessing

The teaching will be done with the three headings:


Those He chose Vs. 4

Dwelling in His Court Vs 4

The goodness of His house Vs.4


This Psalm was written by King David, The Psalmist as customary speaks about Praise to God and in the first four lines speaks about why to an extent: He answers prayers and forgives Sin( the price for sin was paid on Calvary, consummation which began on a Friday like this which is remembered every year as good Friday, was it good for the man Jesus? Remember if it were possible let this cup be taken away Matt.26:39). The psalmist however mentioned Zion let us do a little exposition about Zion.

It originally referred to a specific hill in Jerusalem, Mount Zion, located to the south of Mount Moriah (the Temple Mount). According to the narrative of 2 Samuel 5, Mount Zion held the Jebusite fortress of the same name that was conquered by David and was renamed the City of DavidThe name Zion is often used to describe a place appointed by the Lord where his followers can live and serve God. Scripture refers to Zion as a “city of Holiness” and “a city of refuge” where the Lord protects his people from the evils in the world.

We would have spoken about Rom.11:26 and Revelation 21 on the future of Zion but for time, focus and space. The psalmist was referring to the House of Jacob and the fact that they give praise to God was both an incense and a vow for His mighty choice of them, His move and presence amongst them His people. 

Having given the background to the text we will be applying the Davidic psalm to the higher/NT definition of ministry cum success in it by God’s plan, in His way and standard.  

Those He chose Vs. 4 

There are levels of God’s call hence there is the general call, the call unto Salvation this is a General call just as the OT the choice of Israel, then there is/are the higher and specific calls into service just like the Aaron’s call Lev.8:ff or Levitical calls etc. Numbers 18:21-23ff.

Are you saved? The term higher calling doesn’t reduce the importance of salvation coupled with continuous and consistent sanctification as a prerequisite a requirement to see the kingdom let alone serve in it John 3:3, did He really call you into the ministry?

Other choosers?

The economy

Lack of Job/profession

Your Pastor

Your Parent

A passion/Love for it

The Devil e.t.c

Dwelling in His Court Vs 4

This we would talk about those who are doing His bidding, staying under His canopy alone and doing so continuously without any backup plan/plan B, and those labouring with all their might/capacity while praying and learning to do more.

The currency spent in the realm of the spirit is Power, you can't do ministry without power just as you should not do it without training.

it doesn’t matter your location or congregation or knowledge of management and business without God’s power, a downfall is loading, such would be very soon and very loud, those who are lazy or in a hurry or generally a betrayer looks for power via other alternatives for example from the devil, you cant deceive the devil or outwit while using his paraphernalia, he deceived the first man(going outside His court is at your peril and will never end well).Ps 20:7.

A lot of misleading things are happening all around these days, one of them is success without stress/struggle, an easy way to make money, easy way to ministerial fulfilment, most if not all of these are traps of the devil you still remember MMM some people are still licking the wounds from it. what are you doing even in ministry, where is/are your labour and your plans to continuously improve even in your labour/dwelling in His court? Work and wages/honour/promotion always go hand in hand. Colossians 3:23-24, Dwelling and being productive. Work while it is still day John 9:4, the ministry is no longer for the lazy( ole ntele afa in Yoruba language).

The goodness of His house Vs.4 

One of the most bastardised words amongst ministers is blessing, we are too focused and most times our cravings become uncontrollable when we want or need money/cars/clothes that we miss the real deal and what God actually promised us which is the goodness of His house.

When did Apostle Babalola die? Why has anyone who has done or is doing business in deep waters by God's means still referred to this name? How many cars did he have and houses? Goodness of His house. When did D.O Babajide die why hasn’t attention shifted away from life and times? How many houses and Cars did they have during their lives?

Goodness of His house: answers to prayers, forgiveness of sins, daily needs. Your skill and management and His plan can make you have loads of benefits too, Jesus didn’t wear a rag neither did He raise money with God’s move through Him, but he focussed on the focus. He served and God blessed him. Ex.23:25.

Conclusively if you are going to be successful in ministry or if you are going to enjoy the goodness of God in ministry: you must be called by God, you must trust in His power alone, you must have works/labours, you must be learning for ways in line with Gods word and being led by His spirit to improve your work then you will have His goodness and manifest what the world will see in his time and season.Ecss.3:11


A message on a platform largely occupied by ministers.